
Investigating the Effectiveness of Wells and Their Anti-Collision Analysis in a Percolation Reservoir Model

Hajizadeh, Sadegh | 2020

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 53313 (06)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Masihi, Mohsen; Jamshidi, Saeed
  7. Abstract:
  8. In drilling the percolation structure reservoirs (such as offshore Channelized reservoirs), one of the most important factors in the effectiveness of wells is drilling permeable areas (Channels), while Channel constraints make it possible for two wells to collide. On the other hand, if the desired reservoir is an offshore reservoir, these restrictions have been increased because usually several wells are drilled near together from one platform. Therefore, proper well collision analysis method is also important in these situations. In this project, anti-collision analysis is performed using the MWD device error model between two or more wells in a static reservoir model with channel structure. Then, the effectiveness of the drilled well (base well) in the reservoir was evaluated by evaluating the interconnected volume of permeable areas and wells. By applying this model to real well survey data, we found that the amount of error in the survey can shift the position of the target even up to 40 meters from its original location. Then a new diagram was presented to determine the probability of the base well colliding with its adjacent wells based on the amount of separation factor. Finally, the fraction of permeable areas that the well has encountered is calculated, which makes it possible to check the effectiveness of the well even before drilling it, so that if necessary, the design can be revised. It should be noted that by calculating the position of the well colliding with permeable areas, it is possible to obtain knowledge of suitable places to complete the well
  9. Keywords:
  10. Percolation ; Channelized Reservoirs ; Offshore Drilling ; Anti Collision Analysis ; Collision Avoidance ; Uncertainty Assessment

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