
Developing a Framework for Reliability Studies of Distribution Energy System Comprised of Multi Energy Hubs with Heat Storages

Qasemi, Milad | 2021

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 54020 (46)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Energy Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Moeini Aghtaie, Moein
  7. Abstract:
  8. Using energy storage systems has been remarkably improved the energy systems efficiency and reliability indicators of the system and also reduced the operating costs of these systems. Thus using them in an energy system would count as an advantage. Lately, the procedure of implementation of these systems has been studied widely and various motives behind implementing them have been reviewed. For example, the effect of cost optimization in electrical vehicles on reliability indicators from the load management perspective can be addressed. Therefore this thesis has studied the effect of electrical and thermal storage systems on the reliability indicators of an energy hub and the effect of optimizing the cost of charge and discharge in electrical vehicles and batteries on the reliability indicators such as the "energy not supplied" index (ENS) and system "average interruption duration index" (SAIDI). The electrical system had checked in both cases with an energy storage system and without it and then reliability indicators would be calculated in terms of optimizing the costs of the owners of these storage devices and non-optimization. In the next step, the thermal system was added to the energy hub. The electrical and thermal systems were integrated with a heat pump and a CHP . After assembling the mentioned system, the overall performance of the hub for simultaneous supply of heat and electricity in the presence of thermal and electrical storage devices was checked and the effect of thermal and electrical storage systems on reliability indicators of the energy system was observed. Considering the available thermal and electrical storage systems, this thesis tested the energy system with the standard distributed IEEE 34 bus system integrated to the thermal system. The simulation of the mentioned system on the energy system was done with MATLAB and the results had been reviewed. According to these results, reliability indicators of the system have been improved in the presence of storage devices
  9. Keywords:
  10. Dynamic Optimization ; Reliability ; Electrical Vehicle ; Energy Hub ; Heat Storage ; Distribution System ; Electrical Battery

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