Technological Capabilities and Knowledge Network Evolution in the Path of Innovation: a Case Study of Knowledge-based Firms
Akbari Dastjerdi, Alireza | 2023
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 56309 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Maleki, Ali; Miremadi, Iman
- Abstract:
- This Thesis aim to study the evolution of knowledge network in the path of innovation capability accumulation in knowledge-based firms, active in Iran's innovation system as a sanctioned economy. The research, by an in-depth case study and at the micro level, examines the accumulation of capabilities and the evolution of the knowledge networks for two knowledge-based firms active in the manufacture of linear accelerators and cargo-scanners as high-tech products. The results show that 1) the accumulation of capabilities from low levels to advance is based on product diversity and the knowledge inputs, which was first through "using, doing and interacting" has changed to "science, technology and innovation". And these two approaches generally play a complementary role. 2) By carrying out innovation activities at advanced levels, the direction of knowledge transfer has become bidirectional and the share of firms in knowledge production has increased, and finally 3) the role of the entrepreneur is very important in moving towards innovation. Also, in addition to studying accelerators and X-ray production equipment as an industry, the present research has provided evidence about the effect of sanctions and lack of resources on the innovation of knowledge-based companies
- Keywords:
- Knowledge Based Companies ; Innovation ; Technological Capabilities ; Learning Mechanism ; Knowledge Network ; Knowledge Inputs
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