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    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Farshid, Saman (Author) ; Adib Nazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
    First stage blades tempreture in the turbine rotor section for the advanced turbines has increased up to 1100oc. The blades should be under mentioned condition for the long times up to 70000 hours and accordingly creep happens. Fatigue–creep interaction is the main reason for the failures of many engineering components under high temperature and cyclic loading. In this thesis, a model for the life prediction of fatigue–creep interaction which was developed by other investigators has been modified to predict fatigue–creep interaction on the nickel-based superalloys. In this model, the law of energy conservation and the momentum conservation principle are used to describe the process of... 

    Molecular dynamics simulation of manipulation of metallic nanoclusters on double-layer substrates [electronic resource]

    , Article Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ; 2010, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 2364-2374 Mahboobi, H. (Hanif) ; Meghdari, Ali ; Jalili, Nader ; Amiri, Farshid ; Sharif University of Technology
    Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate the manipulation of metallic clusters on double-layer surfaces. The system parts are made of transition metals. The conditions which are subjected to change in the tests are material combinations for cluster, main substrate and lubricant layer (adlayer). In addition to qualitative observations, two criteria which represent the particle deformation and substrate abrasion are utilized as evaluation tools and are computed for each case. Obtaining this sort of knowledge is highly beneficial for further experiments in order to be able to plan the conditions and routines, which guarantee better success in the manipulation process  

    Critical Behavior of Neuronal Systems: an Information Theory Viewpoint

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Soltani, Miaad (Author) ; Moghimi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Experiments conducted in recent two decades indicated critical behavior in neural activity at different scales. Theoretically occurrences of these critical and power-law behavior can significantly facilitate brain activities correspondent to computation and memory tasks, but attaining the critical point essentially demands externally fine-tuning which has not been established yet. This fine-tuning often lies with placing system at transition point. Recent studies of group showed that a transition from synchronous to asynchronous phase could be achievable by a change in external parameters. At the very transition point, neuronal avalanches statistically demonstrate a power-law behavior which... 

    Chaos in Sandpile Models With and Without Bulk Dissipation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mollabashi, Ali (Author) ; Moghimi-Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    A complte set of characteristic parameters of the sandpile models is still unknown. We have studied the existence of ”weak chaos” critical exponent in different sandpile models and we have shown that it is a characteristic exponent of deterministic models. We have shown that BTW and Zhang models do not belong to the same universality class (contrary to Zhang’s previous conjecture and contrary to Ben-Hur & Biham’s results.) Also we have shown that directed models, specificly Ramaswamy-Dhar’s directed model form a different universality class. ”Weak chaos” exponent in also studied in massive models and we have shown that by increase of dissipation, the exponent decreases rapidly to an... 

    Sandpiles and Surface Growth

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahoei, Rezvan (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    We study the Abelian Sandpile Model and its relation with surface growth. ese two models are related through their field theories and equations of motion. It has been shown that the different features of different sandpile models can be expressed in terms of the noise term in the surface growth equation. A mapping between the simplest sandpile model, the BTW model, and a surface growth has already been introduced. is surface growth has not been studied in details so far. In this thesis we study different features of this surface growth corresponding to the BTW model, continuous sandpile model and also massive abelian sandpile model. We also consider different boundary conditions  

    The Abelian Sand-pile Model (ASM) and Generalization to the Continuous State

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Lotfi, Ehsan (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    The four-page article by Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld in 1987 was a beginning to a new wave of physicists’ efforts to explain and describe the concept of complexity; a not-so-well-defined concept that resists against the reductionist tools and methods of physics. The Self-organized Criticality theory presented in that article via a simple model, known as sandpile model, was first of all an effort to explain the numerous occurrence of power law distribution in nature. SOC was introduced to tell us why so many natural phenomena like Earthquakes, landslides, forest fires, extinction and other seemingly non-related catastrophic events, more or less obey the scale-less power law distribution; A... 

    Transition from Abelian Sandpile Model to Manna Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asasi, Hamed (Author) ; Moghimi-Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    In this research, we want to address the question of universality classes in BTW and Manna sandpile models. So far, number of works has been devoted to this issue but the the answer remained unsolved. We will try another approach to study this question by perturbing the original models. To this end, we introduce three models that have evolution rules between BTW model and Manna model. By simulating this models, we observe that in the presence of perturbation, the probability dis- tribution has two regimes of behaviour which are separated by a new characteristic scale. The regime of small avalanches is described by the exponent of BTW model and the regime of large avalanches by the exponent... 

    Generalized Growth Models

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Imani, Shima (Author) ; Moghimi-Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Edwards-Wilkinson’s equation can be achieved from a Hamiltonian. When we have the Hamiltonian for the system, there are common approaches that makes it out of critical. In other words,the ”mass” should be added to the system. In this study we have tried to simulate and solve analytically these models that are involved mass term. We try to onstruct these mass terms in a way that have a minimum impact on the system and we study the quantities that characterize the out of critical behaviors  

    Percolation on Small World Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Masoomi, Razie (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Percolation is a phenomenon that can be found in many physical problems. Additionally, as a statistical model, it has a very rich physics, since many fundamental concepts in the context of critical phenomena and complex systems-such as phase transition, scaling laws etc can be found in the model. Percolation phenomenon can be defined on different lattices. In this thesis we study percolation on small-world networks. In small-world networks, in addition to local bonds that connects the neighbouring sites, there exist some long-ranged bonds that connect cites far from each other. Social networks, some networks of internet or the gene networks are examples of such networks. Therefore, to study... 

    Simulation of the Self-organized Critical Models on the
    Human’s Brain Network

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shokouhi, Fatemeh (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Self-organized critical phenomena are interesting phenomena which are ubiquitous in nature. Examples include mountain ranges , coastlines and also activities in the hu-man's brain. In these processes, without fine-tuning of any external parameter such as the temperature, the system exhibits critical behavior. In other words, the dynamics of the system, drives it towards an state in which long range correlations in space and scaling behaviors can be seen.The first successful model which could characterize such systems was BTW model, introduced by Bak , Tang and Wiesenfeld in 1987. This model, later named Abelian sandpile model, was very simple and because of this simplicity, a large amount of... 

    Fluctuations in the order of System Size in the Avalanche-Size Distribution of Sandpiles Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saadat, Elaheh (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Since the concept of Self-Organized Criticality was introduced in terms of BTW Sandpiles model, its major features have been known as broad power law distributions without any tuning parameters. In some selforganized critical systems like brain and neural networks, some evidences and experiments show a periodic or non-power law distribution of avalanches in addition to the power-law distributions of avalanches. In this thesis we try to observe the same phenomenon in the well-known SOC models, namely the BTW and Manna sandpile models. We have considered small lattice sizes with periodic boundary conditions and a small amount of dissipation. Within such conditions we observe a periodic-like... 

    Burridge-Knopoff Model with Nonuniform Parameters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahin, Ali (Author) ; Moghimi-Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Power law behavior of earthquakes has been a matter of interest for many scientists. One on these power laws known as Gutenberg-Richter law describes the magnitude distribution of earthquakes. The Burridge-Knopoff model of faults, produces the same power law distribution of events as the Gutenberg-Richter law for earthquakes. Olami, Feder and Christensen in 1992, introduced a 2-D, continues sand pile model Known as OFC that displays self-organized-criticality. They claimed that this model is equivalent to Burridge-Knopoff model. It means that criticality is the origin of power law behavior of the Burridge-Knopoff model. Nevertheless, there are some evidence against criticality in the... 

    Mullins-Herring Equation with Lateral Growth

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghamari, Danial (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Surface growth have been one of the most interesting topics of research in non-equilibrium Statistical physics, due to their relevance in studying industrial growth processes. Many models such as Edwards-Wilkinson and KPZ have been proposed to study these systems where by incorporating renormalization group, numerical integration and computer simulations we can derive their critical exponents. In general, a thermal noise is implemented in these models, however, other types can be used as well. In particular for the case of Edwards-Wilkinson, it has been shown that a multiplicative noise changes the universality class of the model. In this thesis we want to investigate the effects of... 

    Production planning problem with pricing under random yield: CVAR criterion [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering ; 2014 Eskandarzadeh, S. (Saman) ; Eshghi, Kourosh ; Modarres Yazdi, Mohammad ; Bahramgiri, Mohsen ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we address a basic production planning problem with price dependent demand and stochastic yield of production. We use price and target quantity as decision variables to lower the risk of low yield. The value of risk control becomes more important especially for products with short life cycle. This is because, the profit implications of low yield might be unbearable in the short run. We apply Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) to model the risk. CVaR measure is a coherent risk measure and thereby having nice conceptual and mathematical underpinnings. It is also widely used in practice. We consider the problem under general demand function and general distribution function of... 

    Planar molecular dynamics simulation of Au clusters in pushing process

    , Article International Journal of Nanomanufacturing ; Vol.5, No.3/4 , 2010 , pp.288-296 Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A. (Ali) ; Jalili, N. (Nader) ; Amiri, F. (Farshid) ; Sharif University of Technology
    Based on the fact that the manipulation of fine nanoclusters calls for more precise modelling, the aim of this paper is to conduct an atomistic investigation for interaction analysis of particle-substrate system for pushing and positioning purposes. In the present research, 2D molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate such behaviours. Performing the planar simulations can provide a fairly acceptable qualitative tool for our purpose while the computation time is reduced extremely in comparison to 3D simulations. To perform this study, Nose-Hoover dynamics and Sutton-Chen interatomic potential will be used to investigate the behaviour of the aforementioned system. Pushing of... 

    Molecular dynamics simulation of manipulation of metallic nanoclusters on stepped surfaces

    , Article Central European Journal of Physics ; Volume 9, Issue 2 , 2011 , pp 454-465 ; 1644-3608 Mahboobi, S. H ; Meghdari, A. (Ali) ; Jalili, N. (Nader) ; Amiri, F. (Farshid) ; Sharif University of Technology
    Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate the manipulation of metallic clusters on stepped surfaces. Five surface forms are considered in the simulations. The system parts are made of pure transition metals and Sutton-Chen many-body potential is used as interatomic potential. The conditions which are subjected to change in the tests include: materials used for particles and substrate, and surface step conditions. In addition to qualitative observations, two criteria which represent the particle deformation and substrate abrasion are utilized as evaluation tools and are computed for each case. Simulation results show the effect of the aforementioned working conditions on... 

    Effect of Dissipation and Perturbation in Sandpile Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sebtosheikh, Mahmood (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Sandpile models are the simplest models to study self organized criticality (SOC). In these phenomena, system reaches its critical state and shows power law behavior without fine tuning of any external parameters. In nature, many examples of such phenomena has been observed such as earthquakes, rainfalls and heights of mountains. In SOC systems, always there is an input and an out put of energy. In sandpile models the dissipative sites that play the role of energy dissipation, are usualy put on the boundary. In this study we have considered sandpile models which have dissipative site in the bulk. We have controled the ratio of the dissipative sites to the number of whole sites and have shown... 

    Effects of Drive on the Sandpile Models and Using it to Control Criticality

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Parsaeifard, Behnam (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) is observed in different systems in nature. Hights of mountains earthquakes and traffic are a few examples. In such systems, without tuning external parameters critical behavior is found. In other words the dynamics of the system takes it towards criticality, where the correlation length is very large and scaling laws are observed. Due to scale invariance, events of any size are found; for example in the case of earthquakes, one can find earthquakes with any sizes in the earth. Each event causes a cost and larger events cause much larger cost. Therefore it would be of great importance if one could somehow destroy criticality and as a result diminish large and... 

    The Effect of Clustering in Power-Law Behavior in Financial Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Gomrokizadeh, Iman (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    Many different scaling laws are observed in financial data. As an example, the distribution of Log-Return of stock prices obey power law, provided relatively short time intervals are considered. In standard statistical physics, scaling laws are observed in critical phenomena, where the system has long-ranged correlations. Within the same context, to arrive at criticality one has to tune some external parameters, such as the temperature. Yet, there are a group of systems that tend towards criticality through their dynamics. Such systems are called self-organised critical systems.There have been proposed many different mechanisms and models to address why power laws are observed in financial... 

    The Effect of the Threshold Parameter on the Statistics of Neuronal Avalanches in the Rotational Model

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naghiloo, Mahdi (Author) ; Moghimi Araghi, Saman (Supervisor)
    There are experiments that conclude the brain is in the critical or near the critical region. These researches extract avalanches from the neuronal activity and then show that avalanche size (or duration) distribution obeys the power-law distribution. Defining avalanches from neuronal activity has some challenges. In some cases deciding the threshold (which determines the beginning and end of an avalanche) seems arbitrary or fine-tuned. In this thesis, we will show how different thresholds for defining avalanche and different time resolutions for defining neuronal activity can change avalanche size (or duration) distribution