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Dynamic assessment of capacity investment in electricity market considering complementary capacity mechanisms
, Article Energy ; Volume 36, Issue 1 , January , 2011 , Pages 277-293 ; 03605442 (ISSN) ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper proposes a decentralized market-based model for long-term capacity investment decisions in a liberalized electricity market. Investment decisions are fundamentally based on total revenues gained by investors. In most electricity markets, the complementary mechanisms are designed to ensure a desired level of reliability while covering investment costs of the suppliers. In such an environment, investment decisions are highly sensitive to expectation of price signals in both of energy market and capacity mechanisms. In this work, the system dynamics concepts are used to model the structural characteristics of electricity market such as, long-term firms' behavior and relationships...
Dynamic analysis of various investment incentives and regional capacity assignment in Iranian electricity market
, Article Energy Policy ; Volume 56 , 2013 , Pages 271-284 ; 03014215 (ISSN) ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper develops a system dynamics model to analyze the impacts of different kinds of capacity payment as investment incentive mechanisms in Iranian electricity market. Since it is aimed that the incurred capital and operating costs of generation technologies be recovered in Iranian electricity pool, the noncompetitive capacity payment mechanism has been introduced for this purpose in order to encourage new investments in electric power generation system. In the current mechanism, the capacity payments are designated to the generating units in the whole country electricity market. An annual base value of capacity payment is proposed based on recovering the capital cost of a benchmark...
Dynamic interactions of TGC and electricity markets to promote wind capacity investment
, Article IEEE Systems Journal ; Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2012 , Pages 46-57 ; 19328184 (ISSN) ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper proposes a time simulation model for long-term wind capacity investment decisions in the presence of electricity market and tradable green certificate (TGC) market. Investment decisions and wind capacity development are fundamentally based on incentives gained from both these markets. In TGC market, the tradable certificates are issued to renewable generation companies for each megawatt-hour of electricity generation. Distribution companies are obligated to support fraction of their electricity consumptions from renewable sources. The dynamics of prices in both markets are simulated in a system dynamics model to trace the dynamics of wind capacity investment. Such a decision model...
Dynamic model for market-based capacity investment decision considering stochastic characteristic of wind power
, Article Renewable Energy ; Volume 36, Issue 8 , August , 2011 , Pages 2205-2219 ; 09601481 (ISSN) ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper proposes a decentralized market-based model for long-term capacity investment decisions in a liberalized electricity market with significant wind power generation. In such an environment, investment and construction decisions are based on price signal feedbacks and imperfect foresight of future conditions in electricity market. System dynamics concepts are used to model structural characteristics of power market such as, long-term firms' behavior and relationships between variables, feedbacks and time delays. For conventional generation units, short-term price feedback for generation dispatching of forward market is implemented as well as long-term price expectation for...
Short-term market power assessment in a long-term dynamic modeling of capacity investment
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Volume 28, Issue 2 , October , 2013 , Pages 626-638 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper proposes a dynamic time simulation model for long-term generation capacity investment decisions in the presence of either perfect or imperfect electricity market. The model is based on system dynamics concept in which the dynamics of capacity construction is traced using the forecast of electricity price cleared in the short-term electricity market. Both the perfect and oligopolistic competitions are considered and a market power index is defined to evaluate the competition level of the electricity market. The short-term and long-term dynamic analysis are used to represent the generation firms' behavior in bidding strategy and capacity investment, respectively. Both possibilities...
Trading strategies for wind capacity investment in a dynamic model of combined tradable green certificate and electricity markets
, Article IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution ; Volume 6, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 320-330 ; 17518687 (ISSN) ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, a time simulation model for long-term wind capacity investment decisions in the presence of an electricity market and a tradable green certificate (TGC) market is proposed. Decisions related to the investments in the wind capacity are fundamentally based on incentives gained from both of these markets. Fundamental concepts and models of these markets are described. The TGC price trend-following and value-trading strategies for both generation and distribution companies and the regulatory policies for the limitation of TGC holding time and TGC borrowing fraction are included. In this study, a new dynamic model of coupled TGC and electricity markets is considered in order to...
Morphology and magnetic properties of FeCo nanocrystalline powder produced by modified mechanochemical procedure
, Article Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ; Volume 322, Issue 21 , 2010 , Pages 3551-3554 ; 03048853 (ISSN) ; Sadrnezhaad, S. K ; Hasani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Properties of FeCo nanocrystalline intermetallic powders prepared by salt-matrix hydrogen reduction of a milled Fe 2O 3-Co 3O 4 mixture were investigated. The product of 72 ks ball-milling at 350 rpm was CoFe 2O 4 nanopowder. Reduction of this powder for 3.6 ks by hydrogen at 750 °C resulted in the formation of Fe 0.67Co 0.33 stoichiometric compound. Scanning electron microscopy, electron dispersive spectrometry, X-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometry were used to characterize the nanopowder. Using a salt-matrix (NaCl as a dispersion medium) resulted in the decrease of the reduction temperature and improvement of the morphology and magnetic properties of the nanopowder....
The magellanic stream in modified newtonian dynamics
, Article Astrophysical Journal ; Volume 652, Issue 1 I , 2006 , Pages 354-361 ; 0004637X (ISSN) ; Rahvar, S ; Hasani Zonooz, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Physics Publishing
The dynamics of the Magellanic Stream (MS) as a series of clouds extending from the Magellanic Clouds (MCs) to the south Galactic pole is affected by the distribution and the amount of matter in the Milky Way. We calculate the gravitational effect of the Galactic disk on the MS in the framework of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) and compare with observations of the Stream's radial velocity. We consider the tidal force of the Galaxy, which strips material from the MCs to form the MS, and, using a no-halo model of the Galaxy, we ignore the effect of the drag of the Galactic halo on the MS. We also compare the MONDian dynamics with that in logarithmic and power-law dark halo models and show...
CuO/Cu(OH)2 hierarchical nanostructures as bactericidal photocatalysts
, Article Journal of Materials Chemistry ; Volume 21, Issue 26 , May , 2011 , Pages 9634-9640 ; 09599428 (ISSN) ; Azimirad, R ; Safa, S ; Hasani, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Various morphologies of CuO/Cu(OH)2 nanostructures with different adsorbed -OH contents were synthesized on an acid-treated Cu foil through variation of NaOH concentration from 0 to 50 mM with an in situ oxidation method. X-ray diffractometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) indicated formation of CuO on the Cu(OH)2 crystalline phase at a growth temperature of 60°C for 20 h. Antibacterial activity of the nanostructures against Escherichia coli bacteria was studied in the dark and under light irradiation. The nanostructures grown at a NaOH concentration of 30 mM showed the highest surface area and the strongest antibacterial activity among the samples. After elimination of the...
Comprehensive hydrothermal analysis of an inclined mini-channel with fin array: by dual/multi-relaxation-time LBM and experimental process on SiO2-glycol rheological/thermal characteristics
, Article International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow ; Volume 31, Issue 7 , 2021 , Pages 2405-2429 ; 09615539 (ISSN) ; Hejri, S ; Akbar, N ; Hasani Malekshah, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Emerald Group Holdings Ltd
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a comprehensive hydrothermal analysis on an inclined mini-channel using numerical and experimental techniques. The fin array acts as heat source within the channel, and a wavy wall located at the top of the channel is heat sink. The side walls are insulated with curved profiles. Also, the channel is inclined with four known inclination angles. To solve the governing equations, the dual-multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method with D2Q9 and D2Q5 lattice models for flow and temperature fields is used, respectively. Also, the channel is filled with SiO2-glycol nanofluid. Design/methodology/approach: Identifying the behavior of a thermal...
Influence of ultrasonic cell disintegration on excess sludge reduction in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)
, Article Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering ; Volume 7, Issue 2 , 2019 ; 22133437 (ISSN) ; Borghei, S. M ; Torkaman, M ; Hasani Goudarzi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Sludge handling is a common issue in all biological wastewater treatment methods. In this study, sonication technique as a state-of-the-art technology has been applied to a continuous MBBR system with the aim of sludge reduction. A novel configuration of MBBR with an additional recycle stream of sonicated sludge was used as the experimental setup. Based on exposed energy and sludge disruption performance, optimized sonication density and exposure time were obtained 1.5 W/mL and 15 min, respectively. This condition provided 42.2% increase in soluble COD as a result of sludge disintegration. Our results revealed that the performance of MBBR and excess sludge reduction were affected by...
Novel high-performance nanocomposite proton exchange membranes based on poly (ether sulfone)
, Article Renewable Energy ; Volume 35, Issue 1 , 2010 , Pages 226-231 ; 09601481 (ISSN) ; Dashtimoghadam, E ; Ghaffarian, S.R ; Hasani Sadrabadi, M.H ; Heidari, M ; Moaddel, H ; Sharif University of Technology
In the present research, proton exchange membranes based on partially sulfonated poly (ether sulfone) (S-PES) with various degrees of sulfonation were synthesized. It was found that the increasing of sulfonation degree up to 40% results in the enhancement of water uptake, ion exchange capacity and proton conductivity properties of the prepared membranes to 28.1%, 1.59 meq g -1, and 0.145 S cm -1, respectively. Afterwards, nanocomposite membranes based on S-PES (at the predetermined optimum sulfonation degree) containing various loading weights of organically treated montmorillonite (OMMT) were prepared via the solution intercalation technique. X-ray diffraction patterns revealed the...
Simulation approach to investigate the effect of the jet structure and air pressure on the performance of siro-jet spinning
, Article Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe ; Volume 92, Issue 3 , 2012 , Pages 46-50 ; 12303666 (ISSN) ; Hasani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, the effects of different parameters on the hairiness of siro-jet spun yarns, such as the nozzle pressure, the distance between the front roller nip and inlet of the nozzle, and jet structure were investigated. Using the Taguchi method, it was concluded that the factor air pressure has the strongest effect and the factor distance between the front roller nip and inlet of the nozzle does not have a significant effect on the performance of the siro-jet spinning system in reducing yarn hairiness. A computational fluid dynamics model was developed to simulate the airflow pattern inside the jets. The effect of air pressure and the jet structure was simulated using Fluent 6.3...
Method of combined static and dynamic analysis of voltage collapse in voltage stability assessment
, Article 2005 IEEE/PES Transmission and DistributionConference and Exhibition - Asia and Pacific, Dalian, 15 August 2005 through 18 August 2005 ; Volume 2005 , 2005 , Pages 1-6 ; 0780391144 (ISBN); 9780780391147 (ISBN) ; Parniani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Different analysis methods have been used for voltage stability assessment. In comparison with static analysis methods, little work has been done on dynamic analysis of large interconnected power systems. Voltage instability can be studied effectively with a combination of static approaches and time simulations. This paper discusses voltage stability assessment using mixed static and dynamic techniques. Using static methods, a voltage stability based ranking is carried out to specify faint buses, generators and links in power system. The system is analyzed for most severe conditions. Then, time domain simulation is performed for the conditions determined by voltage instability ranking. The...
Dendrimers and Other Nanostructures by the Approach of Graph Theory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)
In this thesis, we study the application of graph theory in chemistry. Such as, molecular graphs, modeling, algorithms, topologicalindicesandsoon. Themaingoalinthisresearchis collecting problems in chemistry which have mathematical models, specially in graph theory. Also we study the methods applied to them by considering the problems in chemistry with mathematical approach. In particular case, dendrimers and other structures of chemistry have been attributed to some graphs, where by studying their graphical parameters, like connectivity, independent sets, perfect matchings, isomorphism and topological indices and other parameters, we obtain some results in chemistry
Quantum Random Walk onTwo Dimensional Lattice with Two-State Particle
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor)
Quantum random walk is a computational model in quantum computation which is as powerful as other models like quantum circuit model. One dimensional random walks can be implemented in the laboratory by using a two-level quantum coin (e.g. the two states of a photon). For implementing higher dimensional random walks, one should simulate quantum coins with higher number of levels. This is difficult to implement experimentally. Various proposals try to bypass this problem, like the proposal of alternate walks in [C. DiFranco et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 080502(2011)]. Here we suggest an alternate solution: We use the bi-partite structure of some lattices to effectively act as a two-level...
APM 3: a methodology metamodel for agile project management
, Article Proceedings of 8th International Conference on New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, SoMeT_09 ; 2009 , Pages: 367 - 378 ; 9781607500490 (ISBN) ; Ramsin, R ; Sharif University of Technology
The advent of agile methodologies, though contributing much to software development processes, had a more profound impact on project management processes. Through supporting adaptability in their process frameworks, agile methodologies deviated from conventional project management approaches. This novel attitude has resulted in the emergence of an agile framework for project management. The Agile Project Management Framework (APMF) consists of fine-grained project management practices applied in agile methodologies, and is fast emerging as an alternative to the conventional project management framework. However, there are deficiencies in both frameworks that prevent developers from enhancing...
Enzyme-inspired lysine-modified carbon quantum dots performing carbonylation using urea and a cascade reaction for synthesizing 2-benzoxazolinone
, Article ACS Catalysis ; Volume 11, Issue 17 , 2021 , Pages 10778-10788 ; 21555435 (ISSN) ; Kalhor, H. R ; Sharif University of Technology
American Chemical Society
Catalysts as the dynamo of chemical reactions along with solvents play paramount roles in organic transformations in long-lasting modes. Thus, developing effective and biobased catalysts in nontoxic solvents is highly in demand. In this report, carbon quantum dots (CQDs) functionalized with-lysine (Lys-CQDs) were generated from entirely nature-derived materials; they were demonstrated to be a promising catalyst for C-N bond formation in choline chloride urea (ChCl/U), a natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES). Among a number of synthesized CQDs, Lys-CQD turned out to be a powerful catalyst in the model reaction with aniline to afford phenyl urea. This type of transformation is important...
Adjustable primitive pattern generator: A novel cerebellar model for reaching movements
, Article Neuroscience Letters ; Volume 406, Issue 3 , 2006 , Pages 232-234 ; 03043940 (ISSN) ; Maghsoudi, A ; Haji Hasani, M ; Towhidkhah, F ; Gharibzadeh, S ; Jahed, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Cerebellum has been assumed as an array of adjustable pattern generators (APGs). In recent years, electrophysiological researches have suggested the existence of modular structures in spinal cord called motor primitives. In our proposed model, each "adjustable primitive pattern generator" (APPG) module in the cerebellum is consisted of a large number of parallel APGs, the output of each module being the weighted sum of the outputs of these APGs. Each spinal field is tuned by a coefficient, representing a descending supraspinal command, which is modulated by ith APPG correspondingly. According to this model, motor control can be interpreted in terms of the modification of these coefficients....
Application of Electricity Market Dynamics to Generation Capacity Expansion Planning in Restructured Power System
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
In this thesis, a dynamic decision model based on the system dynamics concept is proposed for the generation capacity expansion planning of restructured power systems. In the market viewpoint framework, both the market players' behaviors and the regulatory rules are considered in the model. Short-term generation dispatch and long-term generation capacity expansion are modeled based on the technical and economical relationships in the electricity market. The proposed model contains ten different modules in order to model the energy market, the regulated incentive mechanisms, profitability assessment of investors, investment decision and capacity expansion. The modules are connected using...