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Electrochemical Determination of Piroxicam at thin Carbon
Nanoparticle Composite And Investigation of the Electrochemical Behavior and Synthesis of Catechols in the Presence of Mercapto Methyl Tetrazol as a Nucleophile
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
The electrochemical oxidation behavior of the anti-inflammatory drug piroxicam was investigated. A carbon nanoparticle (CNP)-chitosan (CS) film-coated graphite electrode (PGE) was fabricated and the electrochemical behaviors of piroxicam on its surface was investigated by the means of cyclic voltammetry (CV), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In comparison to the bare PGE, at the surface of the CNP-CS film modified electrode, the oxidation peak current of piroxicam increased significantly and the peak potential shifted negatively. Consequently, a simple and sensitive electroanalytical method was developed for the determination of piroxicam. The...
Chemically Modified Electrodes Based on Conducting Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes: Application to Voltammetric Determination of Some Biological and Pharmaceutical Compounds
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
There are high attractions in the development of conducting polymer (CP) coatings to improve the electrochemical properties and biocompatibility of electrodes in the area of biosensors. In the first part of this thesis, a new type of modified electrodes, constructing multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and polypyrrole is prepared in a layer-by-layer process. In this procedure, the glassy carbon electrode is casted first by a drop suspension of MWCNTs, leading to formation a thin film on its surface. In the second step, electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole in the presence of tiron (used as doping anion) is performed on the surface of the MWCNTs pre-coated electrode. The modification...
Voltammetric Determination of Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptophan Using Graphite Electrode Modified with a Thin Film of Graphite/Diamond Nano-mixture And Determination of omeprazole Using Graphite Electrode
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
At the first part of this thesis, a pyrolitic graphite electrode (PGE) modified with graphite/nanodiamond film (GND) was applied as a sensitive electrochemical sensor for determination and study of electrochemical behavior of tryptophan (Trp) and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) in aqueous solutions. The results showed that GND caused a remarkable increase in the peak currents so the GND/PGE electrode surface was more sensitive to the concentration of Trp and 5-HTP than the PGE surface. The determination of Trp and 5-HTP were investigated by stripping voltammetry. Experimental parameters such as scan rate, pH, accumulation conditions and amount of the modifier used on the PGE surface were...
Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Epinephrine and UricAcid in Presence of Ascorbic Acid Using Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode Modified with Nano- diamond/graphite Film & Voltammetric Determination of Levothyroxine at the Surface of Edge Plane Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
Part 1: A novel modified pyrolytic graphite electrode with nanodiamond/graphite was fabricated. The electrochemical response characteristics of the modified electrode toward the epinephrine (EN) and uric acid (UA) are studied by means of cyclic and linear sweep voltammetry. The structural morphology and thickness of the film was characterized by SEM technique.The prepared electrode shows an excellent catalytic activity in the electrochemical oxidation of EN and UA, leading to remarkable enhancements in the corresponding peak currents and lowering the peak potentials. The prepared modified electrode acts as a highly sensitive sensor for simultaneous determination of EN and UA in the presence...
Electrochemical Determination of Tyrosine and Tryptophan at the Surface of Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode Modified with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, New Coccine and Nitrazine
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
At the first part of this thesis, a pyrolitic graphite electrode (PGE) modified with new coccine/multi-walled carbon nanotubes film (NC/MWCNT) was applied as a sensitive electrochemical sensor for determination and study of electrochemical behavior of tyrosine (Tyr) in aqueous solutions. The results showed that NC/MWCNT caused a remarkable increase in the peak current so the NC/MWCNT/PGE electrode surface was far more sensitive to the concentration of Tyr than the PGE surface. The determination of Tyr was investigated by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV). Experimental parameters, such as scan rate, pH and amount of the modifier used on the PGE surface were optimized by monitoring the LSV...
Probing the Electrochemical Properties of Gold Electrode Modified with Edge-Functionalized Graphene and its Application
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the present work, edge-functionalaized graphene was used as electrode material and its electrochemical properties were systematically characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Two methods were applied to modify the gold electrode surface. First method was the self assembling process of graphene nanosheets on gold electrode surface. Second method was simply casting specific amounts of graphene suspension on the gold electrode surface. Nyquist plots show decrease of the charge transfer resistance on the electrode surface at both cases. In cyclic voltammetry studies, first electrode shows no significant changes while the second electrode exhibits...
Application of Pd-Au Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes Modified Electrode for Electrochemical Determination of Ceftazidime
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
This present work is an introduction of a new electrochemical sensor toward the determination of biomolecule. A simple electrodeposition method was employed to construct a thin film modifier of palladium–gold nanoparticles (Pd–AuNPs) decorated multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) on the surface of glassy carbon electrode (GCE). Morphological characterization of the modified electrode was performed by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques. This nanostructured film modified electrode effectively exhibited enhanced properties for the detection of ceftazidime (CFZ). The effects of various experimental variables such...
Preparation and Investigation of the Electrochemical behavior of the Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Nanodiamond/Nanographite and NanoNi Composites: Applications to Pharmaceutical Determinations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
Part 1: In the first work, the electrochemical behavior of Ceftriaxone was thoroughly investigated at the surface of a glassy carbon electrode modified with nano-diamond graphite (NDG). The surface morphology and electrochemical properties of thin film modifier are characterized by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques. The prepared electrode showed a considerable improvement in the peak current of Ceftriaxone compared to either glassy carbon electrode or nanodiamond (NDs) modified glassy carbon electrode. Under the optimum conditions, the modified electrode showed a wide linear dynamic range of 0.04-10 μM with the detection limit of 10 nM for voltammetric...
Preparation and Investigation of the Electrochemical of the Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified by Nanocellulose/Carbon Nanoparticle: Application to Pharmaceutical Determinations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the first part, a novel electrochemical sensor for clonazepam (CLNP) was fabricated based on immobilizing cellulose nanofibers /carbon nanoparticles (CNFs/CNPs) nanocomposite on glassy carbon electrode (CNFs/CNPs/GCE). The combination of CNFs and CNPs produced a novel kind of structurally uniform and electro-analytically active nanocomposite. The surface morphology of CNFs/CNPs layer deposited onto glassy carbon electrode was characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results of the voltammetric investigations showed a considerable enhancement in the cathodic peak current of CLNP (up to 60 times) on the surface of CNFs/CNPs/GCE relative to the bare GCE. Under the optimal...
Preparation and Application of the Glassy Carbon Electrodes Modified with Carbon Nanomaterials for Studies of the Electrochemical Behavior and Quantitative Determination of Metoclopramide and Furazolidone
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the first part, a novel electrochemical sensor based on nanocellulose-carbon nanoparticles (NC–CNPs) nanocomposite film modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) is developed for the analysis of metoclopramide (MCP). The electrochemical behavior of MCP was investigated on the surface of the modified electrode using cyclic voltammetry (CV). Characterization of the surface morphology and properties of NC/CNPs was carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Effective experimental variables, such as scan rate, pH of the supporting electrolyte, drop size of the casted modifier suspension and accumulation...
Preparation and Investigation of the Electrochemical Behavior of Sensors Modified with Reduced Graphene Oxide nanohybrids for Electrochemical Determinations of Some Biologically Important Compounds
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the first work, a stable composite film of silver nanoparticles decorated on reduced graphene oxide is easily prepared. The surface morphology of the modified electrode is characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. The electrochemical behavior of TNZ on the surface of the modified electrode is investigated by using linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The prepared modified electrode acts as a highly sensitive platform for the voltammetric determination of tinidazole (TNZ). Voltammetric investigations demonstrated that, in comparison to the glassy carbon electrode individually coated with...
Preparation of Nanocomposites from Carbon Nanostructures and Transtion Metal Oxides and their use in Preparation of Hybrid Electrochemical Capacitors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the first part, we report a new and simple procedure for preparing reduced graphene oxide /nickel, cobalt hydroxide composite (Ni,Co-OH/rGO/NF via a fast and simple two-step electrochemical method including potentiostatic routes in the presence of Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide )CTAB( as a cationic surfactant. In the first step, a piece of nickel foam (NF) is sonicated in a suspension of graphene oxide (GO, 6 mg/L) after dried in an oven, reduced by electrochemically. After that, Ni, Co LDH were co-deposited on the surface of rGO/NF. The resulting modified electrode afforded extremely high specific capacitance of 2133.3 F/g at a current density of 4 A g-1. FE-SEM results showed that...
Electrochemical Sensors Based on Electrodes Modified with Composites of Carbon Nanostructures and Polypyrrole; Application to Electrochemical Investigations and Determination of Nifedipine and Tizanidine
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the first part, the electropolymerization of pyrrole was performed in the presence of Titan Yellow (TY) as a dopant anion on the surface of the electrode precoated with CNTs. The modified electrode was used to study the voltammetric response of tizanidine (TIZ). A remarkable increase was observed in the anodic peak current of TIZ on the surface of the modified electrode relative to the bare GCE. The surface morphology PPY/CNT/GCE was thoroughly characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques. Under the optimized analysis conditions, the modified electrode showed two linear dynamic ranges of 0.01 - 1 μM and 1-10 μM with a detection limit of 3 nM...
Using of Oxides, Hydroxides and Sulfides of Some Transition Metals and Carbon Nanostructures in Supercapacitors
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
Electrochemical capacitors are type of electrical energy storage devices that research on them has grown due to the development of hybrid vehicles. It is proved that lectrodes configuration has vital role in electrochemical capacitors performance. In this thesis, transition metal hydroxides, oxides and sulfides along with carbonaceous materials have benn used as active materials in supercapacitors. In first section, graphite has been poroused by applying anodic potential of 2V in acidic electrolyte which results in exfoliation of graphite planes due to gas diffusion to the interlayer of graphite sheets. The prepared porous graphite was used as precursor for electrodeposition of nickel...
Chemical Modification of Glassy Carbon Electrode by Carbon Nanostructures/Conductive Polymers Composites and Its Application in The Study of Electrochemical Behaviour and Determination of Salbutamol and Isoprenaline
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the first part of thesis, the electropolymerization of pyrrole was performed in the presence of new coccine (NC) as a dopant anion on the surface of the electrode precoated with SWCNT. The modified electrode was used to study the voltammetric response of salbutamol (SAL). The results showed a remarkable increase in the anodic peak current of SAL in comparison to the bare GCE. The surface morphology PPY/CNT/GCE was thoroughly characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques. Under the optimized analysis conditions, the modified electrode showed two linear dynamic ranges of 0.02 – 0.1 μM and 0.1-10 μM with a detection limit of 6 nM for the...
Design and Fabrication of Flexible Fiber- Shaped Hybrid Micro- Supercapacitors Based on Carbon Nanostructures and Oxides, Sulfides and Phosphides of Some Transition Metals
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
Miniaturization of electronic devices with portable, flexible and wearable characteristics created a great demand for high-performance microscale energy storage devices with lightweight and flexible properties. Among the energy storage devices, wire-shaped micro-supercapacitors have recently received tremendous attention due to their small size, lightweght, and high flexibility. In the first part, the porous dendritic Ni-Cu film was prepared on Cu wire substrate (CW) for fabrication of high- performance wire-type micro-supercapacitors (micro-SCs). The porous structure with dendritic morphology provides a high surface area, short ion diffusion pathway and low contact resistance between...
Design and Fabrication of Supercapacitors Based on Modified Carbon Nanospheres Using Transition Metal Oxide/Hydroxide
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
Herein a simple tow step method is developed to design hierarchical binder free structure of binary nickel cobalt carbonate hydroxide decorated hydrothermal carbon sphere. First carbon sphere were synthesized on nickel foam via hydrothermal process using glucose solution followed by carbonization process. Ni Co carbonate hydroxide core shell array were directly grown on binder free carbon spheres using hydrothermal method. The synthesized electrode afforded high specific capacitance (497/83 mAhg-1 at a current density of 1/4 A g-1) and good cyclic stability (85% after 1500 charge / discharge cycles). EIS measurement showed negligible internal resistance (0.638 Ω) which is attributed to the...
Modification of Electrode Substrates Using Nanocomposites Including Carbon Nanomaterials and Multimetallic Nanoparticles for Electrocatalysis of some Fuel Cells Reactions
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In this research, nanocomposite containing reduced graphene oxide nanosheets (RGO) and trimetallic three-dimensional (3D) Pt-Pd-Co porous nanostructures was fabricated by galvanic replacement technique. First, GO suspension was drop-casted on the electrode surface, then GO film reduction was carried out by cycling the potential in negative direction to form the RGO on GCE (RGO/GCE). Then, electrodeposition of the cobalt nanoparticles (CoNPs) as sacrificial seeds was performed onto the RGO/GCE by using cyclic voltammetry. Afterward, Pt-Pd-Co 3D porous nanostructures fabrication occurs through galvanic replacement method based on a spontaneous redox process between CoNPs and solution...
Constructing and Investigation of the Electrochemical Behavior of Nanocomposite of Conducting Polymers on Copper Hydroxide Nanotubes; Application to Determination of Glucose
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
A novel amperometric non-enzymatic glucose (NEG) sensor is designed by a facile preparation method. It is made by electrodeposition of Cu clusters and converting them to Cu(OH)2 nanotubes (Cu(OH)2NTs) arrays along with thin-film electro-polymerized of spindle-shaped polypyrrole (PPy@Cu(OH)2NTs), which have been doped by using sodium Benzene-1,3- disulfonate as an anion dopant. The electrochemical performance of the modified electrode toward glucose detection is investigated by various electrochemical methods. Under the optimized conditions, a significant electrochemical response improvement is observed toward the electro-oxidation of glucose on the surface of PPy@Cu(OH)2NTs electrode...
Investigating the Electrochemical Behavior of Co-Zn Sulfides and Hydroxides on Copper Oxide Nano-structures Grown on Copper Foam for Application in Electrochemical Supercapacitors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shahrokhian, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the first part, Co-Zn hydroxides were deposited onto CuO nanorods, and their electrochemical behavior and capacitive performance were investigated. To this end, Cu(OH)2 nanorods were grown on copper foam through a chemical process. Then, Cu(OH)2 were converted to CuO nanorods via a calcination process. In the next step, Co-Zn-OH sheets were electrodeposited on CuO nanorods. FE-SEM images of the prepared electrodes demonstrate the formation of Co-Zn-OH nanosheets onto CuO nanorods. Crucial electrochemical evaluations such as cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge/discharge (GCD), rate capability, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were carried out. According to the...