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    Simulation and Evaluation of Dosimetric Parameters of 125I Thermobrachytherapy Source with Ferromagnetic Core

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Soleymanpoor, Mohammad (Author) ; Hosseini, Abolfazl (Supervisor) ; Sheibani, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Poorbaygi, Hossein (Co-Supervisor) ; Mohagheghpour, Elham (Co-Supervisor)
    In the method treatment of thermobrachytherapy, the method of this project, simultaneously use of two processes of thermotherapy and brachytherapy is considered, which can be a more effective treatment for the destruction of tumor tissue. In thermotherapy, the temperature of the tissue is artificially raised to a temperature that leads to cell dysfunction resulting in cell death. In brachytherapy, the destruction of defective tissue is done by placing a source in the tissue. In the present project, we supposed to consider both mechanisms simultaneously for treatment at the same time. In this project, radioactive material 125I is used as a source of radiation emission for brachytherapy. In... 

    Investigation on Nonlinear Behavior of base Plates with Triangular Hardener under Axial Load and Bending Moment

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sheibani, Mehran (Author) ; Moghaddam, Hassan (Supervisor)
    The paper presents the results of nonlinear analysis of steel base plates subjected to different combinations of axial and bending forces. The bending forces range from small moments representing small eccentricities to large moments from seismic actions. The results of nonlinear analysis are done on three samples of the column base plate with large moment, small moment and compression axial force are compared to the results of the code. The parameters investigated in this study are as follows: distribution of strain and stresses in the concrete foundation and the steel plate, the strains and stresses in the tensile anchorage bolts, the location of neutral curve under the base plate, the... 

    Modeling Lakebed Hydrogeological Properties Effects on Lake and Groundwater Interaction (Case Study: Lake Urmia)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sheibani, Sorour (Author) ; Ataie Ashtiani, Behzad (Supervisor)
    Lake Urmia water level fell dramatically from 2006 to 2014. Since then the declining trend of water level has stopped but the lake has remained in a critical situation. Moreover, Lake Urmia became supersaturated with total salinity averaging more than 350 g/l. Salt precipitation and dissolved materials brought by inflowing rivers have formed a layer of sediment with low hydraulic conductivity on the lakebed. We conducted a series of numerical simulation scenarios to study the groundwater flow pattern in the vicinity of the hypersaline Lake Urmia using COMSOL Multiphysics®. In the first step, we performed the simulations in steady-state conditions. Secondly, we simulated the lake level fall... 

    The Effect of Compatibilizer and Short Glass Fiber on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of PBT/PC Blend

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahab, Amir Reza (Author) ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor)
    In this research, we studied the effect of compatibilizer and short glass fiber on microstructure and mechanical properties of PBT/PC blends. Fisrt, Antioxidants and sodium pyrophosphate dibasic were used to suppress transesterification in PBT/PC Blend. The results showed that best composition occur when both of them are used. In the next step, we used 3%wt MBS (methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene) and saw that this weight percent of this compatibilizer doesn’t useful. Moreover addition of short glass fiber to PBT/PC was examined and the results showed that mechanical properties of composite are extensively increased. Also in this step, we proved this idea that we can replace some of PBT... 

    Recovery of metals from spent refinery hydrocracking catalyst using adapted Aspergillus niger

    , Article Hydrometallurgy ; Volume 109, Issue 1-2 , 2011 , Pages 65-71 ; 0304386X (ISSN) Amiri, F ; Yaghmaei, S ; Mousavi, S. M ; Sheibani, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    This study was designed to compare one-step, two-step and spent medium bioleaching of spent catalyst by adapted Aspergillus niger in batch cultures. Aspergillus niger, which was adapted to heavy metal ions, Ni, Mo, Fe, and W, was grown in medium containing up to 5% (w/v) of spent catalyst. The main lixiviant in bioleaching was gluconic acid, which was produced at all pulp densities in the one-step bioleaching process. Gluconic acid was also produced in the two-step bioleaching process when the spent catalyst was present at pulp densities greater than 1% (w/v). In the spent medium leaching, however, the primary agent was citric acid. The pulp density of the spent catalyst was varied, and this... 

    Extended-gate field-effect transistor based sensor for detection of hyoscine n-butyl bromide in its pharmaceutical formulation

    , Article Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry ; Volume 12, Issue 2 , 2020 , Pages 238-249 Sheibani, S ; Mirzaie, S. I ; Fardmanesh, M ; Norouzi, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Center of Excellence in Electrochemistry, Univ. of Tehran  2020
    A novel recognition method for selective determination of the hyoscine N-Butyl bromide (HBB), an antispasmodic agent for smooth muscles, was devised using extended gate field-effect transistor (EG-FET) as transducing unit. For this purpose a PVC membrane, containing hyoscine n-butyl-tetraphenyl borate ion-pair as recognition component, was coated on Ag/AgCl wire, which was connected to the extended metal gate. In optimal conditions, the linear range for HBB was 10-8-10-5 molL−1 with limit of detection 1.7×10-9 molL-1. The proposed sensor was applied in real sample, it showed fast response with high accuracy, and therefore it could be used as HPLC detector in the pharmaceutical samples in... 

    Analysis of Brain Signals in Response to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Normal Subjects and Subjects with Tinnitus Disorder and Evaluation of its Therapeutic Effect

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sheibani Asl, Nasrin (Author) ; Jahed, Mehran (Supervisor) ; Mahmoudian, Saeed (Co-Supervisor)
    According to clinical surveys, it is estimated that chronic tinnitus is experienced by 10 to 15% of the adult population. Tinnitus is defined as the conscious and involuntary perception of noise or ringing without involvement of either mechanical or external audio source. In recent years, a limited number of studies have investigated the effects of applying transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to ameliorate this condition. TMS is a noninvasive intervention in which magnetic pulses are applied by a coil adjacent to the individual's head. In this study, electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are recorded concurrent and as a follow-up to TMS. This makes it possible to study changes caused by... 

    Influence of lakebed sediment deposit on the interaction of hypersaline lake and groundwater: A simplified case of lake Urmia, Iran

    , Article Journal of Hydrology ; Volume 588 , 2020 Sheibani, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Safaie, A ; Simmons, C. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    Lake Urmia, which was once the second-largest saline lake in the world, has been shrinking dramatically. Moreover, Lake Urmia has become supersaturated with total salinity averaging more than 350 g/l. Salt precipitation and dissolved materials brought by inflowing rivers have formed a layer of sediment with low hydraulic conductivity on the lakebed. Considering the flat bathymetry of Lake Urmia, we conducted a series of numerical simulation scenarios to study the groundwater flow pattern in the vicinity of the hypersaline Lake Urmia using COMSOL Multiphysics®. In the first step, we performed the simulations in steady-state conditions. Secondly, we simulated the lake level fall in 10 years at... 

    Toward applicable eeg-based drowsiness detection systems: a review

    , Article Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies ; Volume 9, Issue 4 , 2022 , Pages 323-350 ; 23455829 (ISSN) Sheibani Asl, N ; Baghdadi, G ; Ebrahimian, S ; Javaher Haghighi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Tehran University of Medical Sciences  2022
    Purpose: Drowsy driving accounts for many accidents and has attracted substantial research attention in recent years. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals are shown to be a reliable measure for the early detection of drowsiness. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive study showing the applicability of drowsiness detection systems with EEG signals. In this research, we targeted the studies under the category of drowsiness detection, which adopted an EEG-based approach, to inspect the applicability of these systems from different aspects. Materials and Methods: We included documented studies that utilized clinical devices and consumer-grade EEG headsets for detection of drowsiness and... 

    Reconfigurable Architecture Design for Reverse Protocol Engineering

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahab Samani, Forough (Author) ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)

    Characterization of nanostructured biodegradable Zn-Mn alloy synthesized by mechanical alloying

    , Article Journal of Alloys and Compounds ; Volume 735 , 2018 , Pages 1319-1327 ; 09258388 (ISSN) Sotoudeh Bagha, P ; Khaleghpanah, S ; Sheibani, S ; Khakbiz, M ; Zakeri, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    In this study, nanostructured biodegradable pure Zn, Zn-4 wt. % Mn and Zn-24 wt % Mn alloys were produced by 20 h mechanical alloying and consequent cold pressing and sintering. Structural evolutions were investigated using the X-ray diffraction technique. Also, the microstructure was characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The effects of alloy composition on density, mechanical properties, corrosion behavior in Hank's solution, cell viability and cell attachment were investigated. Crystallite size of the synthesized alloys after 20 h of milling reached to less than 40 nm and remained less than 80 nm after consolidation and sintering for 1 h. Alloys contain MnZn13 as second phase... 

    A Model of Risk Analysis for Iran Petroleum Contracts (IPC)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zohali, Daria (Author) ; Haji, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor)
    The economic framework of the petroleum sector exhibits significant divergence from other businesses owing to the substantial risks and uncertainties inherent in oil and gas ventures, compounded by highly unpredictable price fluctuations. Moreover, the abundance of uncertainties in the data employed for investment decisions in petroleum projects is very large, thus exerting a significant impact on the decision-making processes. This research delves into the impact of diverse risk factors on oil contracts and scrutinizes their influence on contractual dynamics. The study unfolds in three segments, encompassing an examination of economic factors shaping oil contracts, model design, and the... 

    Investigation on Aplicability of Decline Curve Analysis for Gas Condensate Reservoirs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadeghi Boogar, Asghar (Author) ; Masihi, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Gerami, Shahab (Supervisor)
    Part 1: Techniques of production data analysis for single-phase oil and gas reservoirs have advanced significantly over the past few years. These techniques range from traditional (Arps and Fetkovich) to modern (they account for the variation of operating conditions at the wellbore). Although the production data analysis methods are used generally for single phase reservoirs, the application of these techniques for analysis of production data of a gas condensate reservoir may not yield the reliable answer due to the fact that the flow of fluid in gas condensate reservoirs is not single-phase. This study presents the treatment of the modern methods of production data analysis (single phase... 

    Modern Production Data Analysis of Bottom Water Drive Reservoir

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zardoshti, Mohammad Mehdi (Author) ; Masihi, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Gerami, Shahab (Supervisor)
    Hydrocarbon reservoirs may be classified on the basis of their drive mechanisms. In the reservoirs adjoined by water aquifers, waterdrive may be the primary production mechanism. The invasion of reservoir rock by aquifer water may have a significant impact on reservoir performance. Therefore, water influx into hydrocarbon reservoirs must be predicted accurately as a function of time, pressure history at the reservoir/aquifer interface, reservoir/aquifer size ratio, and aquifer characteristics.To forecast the performance in a waterdrive reservoir, an aquifer model simulating the fluid flow in the aquifer and flow from the aquifer into the reservoir is needed. Robust techniques for analysis of... 

    Development of a One-Dimensional Compositional Simulator to Account for the Effects of Different Relative Permeability Models in Gas Condensate Reservoirs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mae’soumi Gholghouchan, Ali (Author) ; Masihi, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Gerami, Shahab (Co-Advisor)
    As the published statistics of prestigious international institutes show, the share of natural gas from the energy basket of the world is rising. This increase is due to some reasons such as decrease in oil reserves, discovery of new gas fields, lower environmental problems, etc. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not an exception of this rule; but also because of huge gas reservoirs that Iran has, it becomes very important for the Iranian government. Hence, research for predicting the behavior of such reservoirs is a necessary need of oil and gas industry.Both thermodynamic and flow behavior of gas condensate fluids are more complicated than other reservoir fluids. Its complex thermodynamic... 

    Experimental Investigation to Determine the Main Parameters for Viscoelastic Surfactant (VES) Injection for Acid Diversion in Reservoirs and Improving Their Design Conditions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Habibi, Reza (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Bazargan, Mohammad (Co-Advisor)
    The success of matrix acid production operations and its proper efficiency is one of the main challenges for oil and gas companies. The heterogeneity of the reservoir formation (especially the permeability difference) in the area around the well due to the presence of different reservoir layers results in the non-uniform distribution of acid among them and adds acidizing challenges. In order to improve production conditions, stimulation fluid transfer to the low permeability layer, which is the main target of acidizing. In this study, a new generation of chemical diverter, called Viscoelastic Surfactant, has been used. These materials have two components of elastic and viscous behavior, and... 

    Coupling Flow and Geochemistry for Numerical Simulation of Low Salinity/Smart Waterflooding in Carbonates

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alipour, Sina (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Due to the decrease in oil reserves in the world, increasing population and the growing demands for oil consumption in the world, increasing the oil recovery from oil reservoirs has become more important. Increasing the amount of oil production efficiency by using low salinity water/modified salinity water has been highly appreciated during the last two decades. Low-salt water is a new method, due to its advantages such as low cost, simplicity of operation and low environmental hazards. It is believed that low salinity water can alter the rock wettability from a more oil-wetting state to a more water-wetting state. In order to be able to predict the performance of low salinity water... 

    Investigating Asphaltene Biodegradability by Microorganism Considering Oil-Water Interface

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Iraji, Shohre (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Taghikhani, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Asphaltine particle precipitation may lead to serious problems in petroleum industry; including wellbore transmissibility reduction. One of the proposed remedial methods is to make a use of the microorganisms which are able to consume the heavy hydrocarbon chains.
    Hydrophobicity of a cell surface is one of the parameters which greatly affect the microorganism adhesion to water insoluble hydrocarbons, in which results a higher hydrocarbon biodegradation. Consequently as the hydrophobicity of a cell surface increases; the microorganism tendency to bond with the hydrocarbon molecule enhances. The presence of a surface active agent, as an instance a chemical surfactant, will affect the... 

    Assisted History-Matching for Fractured Reservoir Characterization

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezaei Kalat, Alireza (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Masihi, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    Fracture reservoirs are highly heterogeneous. This heterogeneity makes the process of adjusting model parameters to match both the static geological and dynamic production data challenging. For this reason, the characterization of the fracture network of these reservoirs, which is achieved by finding the appropriate probability distributions of the fracture properties in the discrete fracture network model, requires the use of an integrated workflow for the process of history-matching.This thesis, presents an integrated workflow for the process of history-matching of naturally fractured reservoirs with field-scale performance capability. In this methodology, first, multiple discrete fracture... 

    Pore Scale Modeling of Fluid-Fluid Intercations During Low Salinity Waterflooding

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kamani, Ahmadreza (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor)

    Recent studies have shown that the injection of low-salinity water would enhance the oil recovery factor for both the core scale and the field test. The evidence obtained from laboratory studies showed that the control of salinity and the composition of injected water has successfully affected the oil release, hence enhancing the oil recovery efficiency. In this method, by changing the type and amount of dissolved ions in the injected water, the water/oil/rock interactions are altered. Based on this, extensive studies have been focused on the mechanisms for the trapped oil release at the pore scale. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, which can be divided...