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    Fine-grained architecture in dark silicon era for SRAM-based reconfigurable devices

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs ; Vol. 61, Issue. 10 , 2014 , Pages 798-802 ; ISSN: 15497747 Yazdanshenas, S ; Asadi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this brief, we present a fine-grained dark silicon architecture to facilitate further integration of transistors in static random access memory-based reconfigurable devices. In the proposed architecture, we present a technique to power off inactive configuration cells in nonutilized or underutilized logic blocks. We also propose a routing circuitry capable of turning off the configuration cells of connection blocks (CBs) and switch boxes (SBs) in the routing fabric. Experimental results carried out on the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina benchmark show that power consumption in configuration cells of lookup tables, CBs, and SBs can, on average, be reduced by 27%, 75%, and 4%,... 

    Analysis of fouling and flux behavior in cross-flow microfiltration of nonalcoholic beer by ceramic membrane

    , Article Sustainable Membrane Technology for Energy, Water, and Environment ; JAN , 2012 , Pages 157-167 ; 9781118024591 (ISBN) Yazdanshenas, M ; Tabatabaei Nejad, S. A. R ; Soltanieh, M ; Fillaudeau, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons  2012

    Cross-flow microfiltration of rough non-alcoholic beer and diluted malt extract with tubular ceramic membranes: Investigation of fouling mechanisms

    , Article Journal of Membrane Science ; Volume 362, Issue 1-2 , 2010 , Pages 306-316 ; 03767388 (ISSN) Yazdanshenas, M ; Soltanieh, M ; Tabatabaei Nejad, S. A. R ; Fillaudeau, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    The clarification of rough non-alcoholic beer (RNAB) and diluted malt extract (DME) was investigated in a pilot plant consisting of a tubular ceramic membrane with nominal pore diameter of 0.45μm. The results of the primary experiments show that the concentration of suspended particles in the RNAB (∼0.05kg/m3) and DME (∼0.2kg/m3) correlates proportionally to turbidity (in NTU) with the factor of 4.45×10-4 (kgm-3NTU-1). During cross-flow microfiltration (CFMF), flux declined drastically with time due to fouling mechanisms and propensity. According to the characterizing curve of log(d2t/dV2) versus log(dt/dV), fouling is initiated by penetration of aggregates through the membrane surface,... 

    Shared information in a serial inventory system [electronic resource]

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Operations Management - IJAOM ; 2011 Vol.3, No.2 pp.101 - 121 Yazdanshenas, N. (Nima) ; Eshraghniaye Jahromi, Abdolhamid ; Eshghi, Kourosh ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this study, a supply chain model consisting of a single product, one supplier and one retailer is considered. Transportation times are constant and demands at the retailer are assumed to be generated by a stationary Poisson process. Demands not covered immediately from inventory are backordered. The retailer carries inventory and replenishes stock according to a (Q, R) policy. The supplier has online information about the demand at the retailer and uses this information to replenish its stock. The order size at the supplier is a multiple integer to the retailer's order size. Considering order costs for the retailer and the supplier, we derive the exact cost function for this inventory... 

    A Dependable Routing Architecture for Reconfigurable Devices

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yazdanshenas, Sadegh (Author) ; Asadi, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Reconfigurable devices are a popular platform for fast prototyping of digital system due to having high performance of hardware implementation along with flexibility of software. However, reconfigurable devices suffer from area, performance and dependability gaps in comparison with their Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) counterparts, which greatly limits their application.
    The dependability gap originates from the sensitivty of configuration memory to soft errors. When a reconfigurable device configuration memory is affected by soft errors, their configuration will be invalid until reconfigured. Since the routing fabric is the origion of over 80% of soft errors in... 

    A scalable dependability scheme for routing fabric of SRAM-based reconfigurable devices

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems ; Volume 23, Issue 9 , August , 2015 , Pages 1868-1878 ; 10638210 (ISSN) Yazdanshenas, S ; Asadi, H ; Khaleghi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    With the continual scaling of feature size, system failure due to soft errors is getting more frequent in CMOS technology. Soft errors have particularly severe effects in static random-access memory (SRAM)-based reconfigurable devices (SRDs) since an error in SRD configuration bits can permanently change the functionality of the system. Since interconnect resources are the dominant contributor to the overall configuration memory upsets in SRD-based designs, the system failure rate can be significantly reduced by mitigating soft errors in routing fabric. This paper first presents a comprehensive analysis of SRD switch box susceptibility to short and open faults. Based on this analysis, we... 

    Investigation of membrane fouling in cross flow microfiltration of non-alcoholic beer and modeling of tubular membrane flow

    , Article Desalination ; Volume 251, Issue 1-3 , 2010 , Pages 20-28 ; 00119164 (ISSN) Hajipour, M ; Soltanieh, M ; Yazdanshenas, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In the present work, numerical simulation of cross flow microfiltration of non-alcoholic beer in a tubular membrane has been studied theoretically and verified experimentally. Finite element method was used as a powerful tool for simulation. The feed stream, which flows mainly tangentially to the porous membrane surface, is modeled by the Navier-Stokes equations whereas the porous wall conditions are described by the Darcy equation that relates the pressure gradient within a flow stream to the flow rate through the permeable wall. A new model that considers transient behavior of the membrane due to fouling was used to estimate the permeate flux reduction. A pilot-scale cross flow membrane... 

    Contribution of fouling and gel polarization during ultrafiltration of raw apple juice at industrial scale

    , Article Desalination ; Volume 258, Issue 1-3 , 2010 , Pages 194-200 ; 00119164 (ISSN) Yazdanshenas, M ; Tabatabaee Nezhad, S. A. R ; Soltanieh, M ; Roostaazad, R ; Khoshfetrat, A. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    The flux behavior during the industrial cross-flow ultrafiltration of apple juice in a batch process was modeled using a combination of the fouling and concentration polarization models. It was observed that the major flux reduction was at the beginning and at the end of operation due to fouling and increasing solute concentration in the feed tank, respectively. The fouling phenomenon was analyzed by classical and empirical models and it was shown that the empirical one has the best correlation within less than 0.3% error for each experiment. The most significant advantage of this model is its ability to predict a steady flux, while other models predict zero flux at infinite time, which is... 

    Modeling of transient permeate flux decline during crossflow microfiltration of non-alcoholic beer with consideration of particle size distribution

    , Article Journal of Membrane Science ; Volume 411-412 , September , 2012 , Pages 13-21 ; 03767388 (ISSN) Kazemi, M. A ; Soltanieh, M ; Yazdanshenas, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Crossflow microfiltration of non-alcoholic beer is investigated numerically and it has been verified by experimental data. Due to the presence of particles with different sizes in feed suspension, a modified combination of three mechanisms of particle back-diffusion is developed to predict particle deposition and cake layer buildup during the process. The simulation results show that smaller particles (about 1μm) are the main contributor to the cake layer due to a minimum in back transport and are the main reason of the flux decline. On the other hand, larger particles (a p>20μm) are swept away along the membrane during the filtration process and move toward the membrane exit due to the... 

    Mathematical modeling of crossflow microfiltration of diluted malt extract suspension by tubular ceramic membranes

    , Article Journal of Food Engineering ; Volume 116, Issue 4 , 2013 , Pages 926-933 ; 02608774 (ISSN) Kazemi, M. A ; Soltanieh, M ; Yazdanshenas, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The practical application of microfiltration in brewing industry is hindered by severe membrane fouling and subsequent permeate flux decline. A theoretical and experimental study on the effect of operating parameters, which influence the crossflow microfiltration of beer and beer quality was performed. A mathematical model is developed to better understanding of the fouling layer characteristics. The experiments were conducted for different ranges of pressures, temperatures and shear rates. An optimum transmembrane pressure of 1.1 bar is suggested to maximize both the steady state and average permeate fluxes. The results of numerical simulation were in a good accordance with the experimental... 

    Designing low power and durable digital blocks using shadow nanoelectromechanical relays

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems ; Volume 24, Issue 12 , 2016 , Pages 3489-3498 ; 10638210 (ISSN) Yazdanshenas, S ; Khaleghi, B ; Ienne, P ; Asadi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2016
    Nanoelectromechanical (NEM) relays are a promising emerging technology that has gained widespread research attention due to its zero leakage current, sharp ON-OFF transitions, and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor compatibility. As a result, NEM relays have been significantly investigated as highly energy-efficient design solutions. A major shortcoming of NEMs preventing their widespread use is their limited switching endurance. Hence, in order to utilize the low-power advantages of NEM relays, further device, circuit, and architectural techniques are required. In this paper, we introduce the concept of shadow NEM relays, which is a circuit-level technique to leverage the energy... 

    Dead-end microfiltration of rough nonalcoholic beer by different polymeric membranes

    , Article Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists ; Volume 68, Issue 2 , 2010 , Pages 83-88 ; 03610470 (ISSN) Yazdanshenas, M ; Tabatabaei Nejad, S. A. R ; Soltanieh, M ; Tavakkoli, A ; Babaluo, A. A ; Fillaudeau, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Clarification of rough nonalcoholic beer using microfiltration as an alternative to conventional filtration with filter aids presents scientific and technical challenges for the brewing industry. An experimental pilot plant was used to evaluate the permeability and selectivity of polymeric membranes in the clarification process. Cellulose acetate (CA) with pore sizes of 0.2, 0.45, 0.8, and 1.2 μm, together with cellulose nitrate (CN), nylon (NY), and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) with a pore size of 0.45 μm, were used at transmembrane pressures (TMP) of 1.0 and 2.0 bar. The data corroborated that the flux values of the CA, CN, and NY membranes were almost the same and reduced drastically,... 

    Influence of crossflow microfiltration on ceramic membrane fouling and beer quality

    , Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 51, Issue 22-24 , 2013 , Pages 4302-4312 ; 19443994 (ISSN) Kazemi, M. A ; Soltanieh, M ; Yazdanshenas, M ; Fillaudeau, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2013
    In this article, an experimental investigation has been carried out to determine the types of fouling phenomena that occur during clarification of dilute malt extract (DME) and pasteurization of clarified beer (CB) by a tubular ceramic membrane in a crossflow pilot plant. Using the classical models, the predominant fouling mechanism responsible for flux decline was found to be complete blocking of the membrane pores followed by formation of a compressible cake layer of yeast cell in the case of DME clarification, whereas the internal fouling of the membrane occurs during pasteurization of CB. The effects of operating parameters, including temperature, transmembrane pressure, and crossflow... 

    Full scale analysis of apple juice ultrafiltration and optimization of diafiltration

    , Article Separation and Purification Technology ; Volume 47, Issue 1-2 , 2005 , Pages 52-57 ; 13835866 (ISSN) Yazdanshenas, M ; Tabatabaeenezhad, A. R ; Roostaazad, R ; Khoshfetrat, A. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Declining permeate flux and increasing retentate solute concentration during a full scale apple juice ultrafiltration process was investigated. A modified equation and procedure was used for predicting retentate solute concentration (pectin) in the system. Solute concentration in the retentate was indirectly evaluated using the measured values of viscosity, temperature and Brix. The gel-polarization model was then used to analyze the collected data and a good agreement was observed between the experimental data and the model predictions. Fitted model parameters were very close to the published literature values for similar studies in pilot scale systems. According to the model, the optimum... 

    The relationship between an EFL teacher's gender and students' willingness to communicate

    , Article International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies ; Volume 10, Issue 4 , 2013 , Pages 17-29 ; 23277882 (ISSN) Khosravizadeh, P ; Pakzadian, S. S
    Common Ground Publishing  2013
    Learning a foreign language encompasses a process of trial and error that can lead to the progression of the learner's interlanguage, meaning that the learners make use of their language knowledge that receives feedback and brings about progress through diagnosis of the problems and being corrected by the teacher. Therefore, there exists a need to analyze the underlying reasons causing the students to remain taciturn with a low willingness to communicate (WTC) during a language class. There has been much work done investigating the role of the learner's stable personal characteristics (traits) along with their situational changes at a specific time (states) that influence the student's... 

    An automated simple algorithm for realistic pore network extraction from micro-tomography images

    , Article Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ; Vol. 123, issue , 2014 , pp. 164-171 ; ISSN: 09204105 Rabbani, A ; Jamshidi, S ; Salehi, S
    Using 3-D scanned data to analyze and extract pore network plays a vital role in investigation of porous media's characteristics. In this paper, a new simple method is developed to detect pores and throats for analyzing the connectivity and permeability of the network. This automated method utilizes some of the common and well-known image processing functions which are widely accessible by researchers and this has led to an easy algorithm implementation. In this method, after polishing and quality control of images, using city-block distance function and watershed segmentation algorithm, pores and throats are detected and 3-D network is produced. This method can also be applied on 2-D images... 

    Discrimination of heart arrhythmias using novel features in heart rate phase space

    , Article Computing in Cardiology ; Volume 40 , Sept , 2013 , Pages 1035-1038 ; 23258861 (ISSN); 9781479908844 (ISBN) Moharreri, S ; Rezaei, S ; Salavatian, S
    In this paper, we try to recognize and distinguish different groups of arrhythmia using novel features which have been obtained from the heart rate's phase space in recent years. For this purpose, we used Triangular Phase Space Mapping (TPSM) and Parabolic Phase Space Mapping (PPSM). For recognition, we used three groups of 15 subjects using the Physionet database (Arrhythmia, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), and Atrial Fibrillation (AF)) with Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR). The obtained features discriminate arrhythmia from NSR by p

    An intelligent hybrid classification algorithm integrating fuzzy rule-based extraction and harmony search optimization: Medical diagnosis applications

    , Article Knowledge-Based Systems ; Volume 220 , 2021 ; 09507051 (ISSN) Mousavi, S. M ; Abdullah, S ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Banihashemi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2021
    Uncertainty is a critical factor in medical datasets needed to be overcome for increasing diagnosis efficiency. This paper proposes an intelligent classification algorithm comprising a fuzzy rule-based approach, a harmony search (HS) algorithm, and a heuristic algorithm to classify medical datasets intelligently. Two fuzzy approaches, as well as orthogonal and triangular fuzzy sets, are first utilized to define the attributes of data. Then, an HS algorithm is integrated with a heuristic to generate fuzzy rules to select the best rules in the fuzzy rule-based systems. Moreover, to improve the performance of the proposed classification approach, a three-phase parameter tuning approach is... 

    Performance evaluation of shared hosting security methods

    , Article Proc. of the 11th IEEE Int. Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom-2012 - 11th IEEE Int. Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications ; 2012 , Pages 1310-1315 ; 9780769547459 (ISBN) Mirheidari, S. A ; Arshad, S ; Khoshkdahan, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Shared hosting is a kind of web hosting in which multiple websites reside on one webserver. It is cost-effective and makes the administration easier for websites' owners. However, shared hosting has some performance and security issues. In default shared hosting configuration, all websites' scripts are executed under the webserver's user account regardless of their owners. Therefore, a website is able to access other websites' resources. This security problem arises from lack of proper isolation between different websites hosted on the same webserver. In this survey, we have examined different methods for handling mentioned security issue. Also we evaluated the performance of mentioned... 

    The behaviour of an artificially cemented sandy gravel

    , Article Geotechnical and Geological Engineering ; Volume 23, Issue 5 , 2005 , Pages 537-560 ; 09603182 (ISSN) Haeri, S. M ; Hosseini, S. M ; Toll, D. G ; Yasrebi, S. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    The major section of the city of Tehran, Iran has been developed on cemented coarse-grained alluvium. This deposit consists of gravely sand to sandy gravel with some cobbles and is dominantly cemented by carbonaceous materials. In order to understand the mechanical behaviour of this soil, a series of undrained triaxial compression tests and unconfined compression tests were performed on uncemented and artificially cemented samples. Portland cement type I was used as the cementation agent for preparing artificially cemented samples. Uncemented samples and lightly cemented samples (1.5% cement) tested at high confining pressure showed contractive behaviour accompanied with positive excess pore...