- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 43917 (06)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
- Advisor(s): Roostaazad, Reza
- Abstract:
- This project related to gas purification according to difference in the deposition point in the fludized bed.The reason for choosing fluidized bed is increasing erosion on wall of bed & increasing on heat transfer compared to other heat exchangers.Separation process, by cooling the wall causes the self- deposition gas phase shifts to solid phase. Solid formed on the wall, act as an insulating layer and greatly reduces the heat transfer therefore part of vessel not used. To solve this problem, the fluidized bed system is offered because the fluid particles can remove the insulating layer beside improving convection heat transfer coefficient. In this work we studied the quantative of erosion in walls of fluidized bed by gas velocity & bar in bed. The setup had simulated by MFIX in euler-euler & euler – lagrange mode .Laboratory modeling and simulation software by software MFIX eulerian -eulerian and eulerian - Lagrangian and matching of experimental and simulation was carried out. The result is that the model eulerian - Lagrangian describing this system is appropriate. But eulerian-eulerian model is the ability to describe precise and accurate simply can't give qualitative descriptions
- Keywords:
- Consolidation ; Simulation ; Particles Tracking ; Fluidized Bed ; Fluidization Flow
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