
Design and Manufacturing of One Degree of Freedom Worm Robot

Khoshnevisan, Ali | 2011

556 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: English
  3. Document No: 44232 (58)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Kish Island
  5. Department: Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Meghdari, Ali; Ghasemi Oskouei, Kambiz
  7. Abstract:
  8. Nowadays, worm robots are widely designed and manufactured for different applications. The most common applications for these types of robots can be mentioned as maintenance of small pipes and medical purposes in biological vessels such as the lungs, intestines, urethra and blood vessels. The robot must be small, controllable, safe, reliable, energy efficient, and must be able to crawl both, forward and backward. Different worm robots have been developed and manufactured, for different purposes such as, medical and industrial applications. Most of these projects are typically designed with three or more actuators for control of the distance between cells and the clamps.The results of using multiple actuators affect different aspects. To mention some of the results we can say that, the robot will be cumbersome, decrease the power efficiency and make the system hard to control. In this thesis project, we will study the experimental design and manufacturing of a worm robot. In this novel design we will use one single motor as the actuator. More over, we will take benefit of a mechanical controller. The kind of echanical controller that will be used in this design is a screw type shaft. The actuator rotates the screw type shaft and using this approach the shaft mechanically controls the motion and timing of each cell and its clamps. This significant design results in decreasing the size of the robot, and increasing the power efficiency and reduces the cost. Moreoveras a result of low power consumption, the robot will be able to crawl wirelessly for a considerable time. Keywords: Robotics, One D.O.F, Worm Robot, echanical Controller, Single Actuator
  9. Keywords:
  10. Robotics ; Worm-Like Robot ; One Degree of Freedom Robot ; Mechanical Controller ; Single Actuator

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