
A Critical Reading of Russel on Causation

Moulavi Ardakani, Reza | 2014

385 Viewed
  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 47956 (42)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Philosophy of Science
  6. Advisor(s): Taghavi, Mostafa
  7. Abstract:
  8. Causation is one of the most old and difficult problems of Metaphysics which is also important in Science and Philosophy of Science. There are three different views in the Ontology of Causation—Eliminativism, Fundamentalism and Reductionism. Also we know that the Ontology of Causation can be equated with the question of the difference between Causal and Non-Causal series of events, such that the answers to this question are correspondent to the mentioned views: 1)Eliminativism: There is not any difference between those two series and the concept of Causation does not have any objective or external being. 2)Primitivism: There is a difference between them but it can not be explained in any terms other than Causal concepts. 3)Reductivism: There is a difference between them and the Causal series can be reduced to Probabilities or Processes or a combination of them. In This Thesis, I will discuss and criticize Russell’s Eliminativism. He firstly claims that neither it is necessary for scientists to assume the Causation principle as a presupposition of their scientific activity nor it is the aim of modern science to discover Causal laws of nature. Russell arguments are based on evidences in modern science of his time. To criticize his Eliminativist approach, some people have questioned the truth of these evidences and some of them have argued that even by admitting these evidences, his arguments are not convincing
  9. Keywords:
  10. Causality ; Physics ; METHAPHYSICS ; Russell Approach

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