
Synthesis of Antibacterial Hydroxyapatite/Titania-Silver Coating on Titanium Substrate Using Sol-Gel Method

Azadeh, Mohsen | 2018

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  1. Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
  2. Language: Farsi
  3. Document No: 50662 (07)
  4. University: Sharif University of Technology
  5. Department: Materials Science and Engineering
  6. Advisor(s): Afshar, Abdollah
  7. Abstract:
  8. With the increase in the average age of the world's population, osteoporosis is a worldwide incidence. This disease, along with natural disasters, are important factors in the occurrence of fractures in various bones of the body. One of the methods for solving this problem and replacing with broken body bones is the use of metal implants with hydroxyapatite-based coatings. One of the common problems with using implants in the body is the infection in the adjacent parts of the implant. To overcome this problem, several studies have been carried out on the use of hydroxyapatite coatings with metal ions or antibacterial oxide compounds. In the present study, the influence of factors such as the heat treatment temperature, and the content of silver and TiO2 particles in the coating on properties such as adhesion strength, thickness, hardness, Young modulus and the biological properties of the coating were investigated. The first attempt was made to prepare a stable sol under different conditions, which resulted in the selection of phosphorus precursor of P2O5, calcium precursor of Ca(NO3)2.4H2O and ethanol as solvent with ammonia (to maintain pH at 9 ) And stirring for 24 hours. Then, due to the results of XRD, TGA and FTIR, the temperature of 700oc was selected for heat treatment due to the improvement of phase composition and crystallinity. Then, by improving the coating conditions and using the anodised TiO2 sublayer, the adhesion of the coating was changed to mainly adhesive and its adhesion strength was 7.7 MPa. Finally, with the incorporation of titania and silver into the coating, in addition to increasing the hardness up to 5.16 GPa, the anti-bacterial properties were also observed in the coating, so that in the hydroxyapatite/titanium-silver sample with functionally graded Ag from wt% 5 to wt% 1, inhabitation zone of 12 millimeters with controlled ion release over time was observed which means to achieve successful results in the preparing of a functionally graded coating (FGC) with antibacterial properties
  9. Keywords:
  10. Sol-Gel Method ; Silver ; Antibacterials ; Hydroxyapatite ; Functionally Graded Coat (FGC) ; Antibacterial Coating ; Bone Implant

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