The role of microstructure in mechanical behaviors of low-alloy sintered steels
Yoozbashizadeh, H ; Sharif University of Technology | 2000
- Type of Document: Article
- Publisher: Sharif University of Technology , 2000
- Abstract:
- In this study, microstructural aspects that control fracture and deformation resistance of P/M materials are evaluated. Several low-alloy steels were produced under both experimental and commercial conditions for achieving different matrix phases and porosity levels with varying shape factors. A 'porosity map' was constructed and used for a quantified study of the dominant mechanism controlling mechanical behaviors. The role of inclusion gathering and secondary pores, as well as sintering mechanism and alloying method is considered and discussed. The mechanism assessment was performed by using microstructure examination through optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results demonstrate that if the porosity level is lowered up to 7 percent, the matrix structure has a vital effect under high sintering temperature conditions. On the other hand, steels that have higher amounts of porosity (> 12%), especially those sintered at low temperatures, are fractured under pore-control mechanism. In the intermediate range, mix-control mechanism (pore and structure) related to singular defects and production condition was realized. Nevertheless, microstructure inhomogeneity and alloying method as well as chemical composition could have a pivotal effect on the fracture and deformation behavior
- Keywords:
- Deformation ; Steel ; Porosity ; Microstructure ; Fracturing
- Source: Scientia Iranica ; Volume 7, Issue 1 , 2000 , Pages 41-49 ; 10263098 (ISSN)
- URL: http://scientiairanica.sharif.edu/article_2818.html