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Construction of Scaffold by Electrospinning Method for Use in Skin Tissue Engineering
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alemzadeh, Iran (Supervisor) ; Vosoughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor)
Making artificial skin and skin alternatives is one of the most important areas in tissue engineering. Although much progress has been made so far, there is still no definitive cure for second- and third-degree burns. To create new tissue in the body, a suitable substrate for cells is needed, which is called scaffolding, and an ideal scaffold in tissue engineering should mimic the dimensions of extracellular matrix, and nanofibers seem to be the best option for this purpose. Among the methods of manufacturing of nanofibers, electrospun is very easy and accurate method. In previous studies, many natural and synthetic polymers such as chitosan, alginate, collagen, polyathylene oxide, etc....
Model Predictive Control of a Solution Copolymerization Reactor
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
In the industry, there are nonlinear processes that can not be controlled with classical methods. Also, there are many processes that are more than one controlled variable that with classical methods, the design of a multiple input - multiple output controler is very difficult for them as well as the constraints on the inputs and outputs of the process exist, using classical controllers will be far more difficult. A model-based predictive control method for controlling nonlinear processes is useful in addition to having very high efficiency, extended to multi-mode interference together with constraints on the control variables and other controlled Problem with dynamic properties such as...
Partial shading detection and smooth maximum power point tracking of PV arrays under PSC
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics ; Volume 31, Issue 9 , 2016 , Pages 6281-6292 ; 08858993 (ISSN) ; Mohammadian Forushani, H ; Parniani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
One of the most important issues in the operation of a photovoltaic (PV) system is extracting maximum power from the PV array, especially in partial shading condition (PSC). Under PSC, P-V characteristic of PV arrays will have multiple peak points, only one of which is global maximum. Conventional maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods are not able to extract maximum power in this condition. In this paper, a novel two-stage MPPT method is presented to overcome this drawback. In the first stage, a method is proposed to determine the occurrence of PSC, and in the second stage, using a new algorithm that is based on ramp change of the duty cycle and continuous sampling from the P-V...
Minimum Rebar Price Forecast in Commodity Exchange with Machine Learning
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shadrokh Sikari, Shahram (Supervisor)
In recent years, in addition to the stock market, a market has been created in Iran under the name of commodity exchange market. In this market, the product supplier announces some product specifications and buyers also announce their demand and bid price. The following two situations may occur: 1. The total amount of demand is less than or equal to the amount of supply.In this case all buyers receive the product at their bid price. Obviously, first all buyers announce a price lower than the base price so that if this happens, they can buy the required product at the lowest possible price. 2. If the supply is less than the demand, the market enters the competition. In this way, the new bid...
Experimental Study of Drying and Calcination of Simulated High-Level Waste (HLW)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samadfam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Zahakifar, Fazel (Supervisor) ; Zaheri, Parisa (Co-Supervisor)
One of the novel methods of stabilization of nuclear waste is the use of vitrification technology. In order to stabilize high level wastes (HLLW) in glass, it is required that the elements are in their oxide form. Therefore, it is necessary to evaporate the waste and turn it into a solid form so that the elements can be converted into oxide form in the calcination furnace. Hence, one of the challenges of stabilization is the optimization of evaporation and calcination conditions. In this research, the parameters affecting evaporation were first investigated. Using laboratory measurements of application: temperature (110 to 180 °C), presence of nitric acid (0.5 to 4 mol/L), ratio of zirconium...
Fabrication Patient-Specific Drill Guide Templates for Cervical Pedicle Screw Placement
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Arjmand, Navid (Supervisor) ; Parnianpour, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Azimi, Parisa (Co-Supervisor)
One of the most common spinal surgeries involves spinal fusion or vertebral fixation, which is used to treat various conditions such as intervertebral disc disease, scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spinal column), fractures, infections, or the presence of tumors in the spinal column. In this surgical procedure, the use of pedicle screws and titanium rods prevents motion and friction between two vertebrae. Screws may enter the vertebrae in the wrong position and angle, causing bone weakening, rupture of nerve roots or blood vessels, weakness or lack of sensation in some parts of the body, spinal cord injury, and in severe cases, paralysis of the patient. For this reason, fusion surgery is...
Continuous monitoring of safety performance
, Article Total Safety and the Productivity Challenge ; 2019 , Pages 126-140 ; 9781351609074 (ISBN); 9781138091306 (ISBN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the fundamental building blocks in measuring and monitoring processes of safety management. This chapter describes a classification of safety KPIs and a review of literature leads to a new framework. It aims to develop a logical selection and aggregation methodology for generating a single number that reflects safety performance. Determining a mechanism for performance measurement and monitoring is a key part of any management system, and this has a higher importance for total safety management. Personal safety deals with the prevention of occupational accidents that usually have low severities and high frequencies. The measurement of safety has been...
Continuous monitoring of safety performance
, Article Total Safety and the Productivity Challenge ; 2019 , Pages 126-140 ; 9781351609074 (ISBN); 9781138091306 (ISBN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the fundamental building blocks in measuring and monitoring processes of safety management. This chapter describes a classification of safety KPIs and a review of literature leads to a new framework. It aims to develop a logical selection and aggregation methodology for generating a single number that reflects safety performance. Determining a mechanism for performance measurement and monitoring is a key part of any management system, and this has a higher importance for total safety management. Personal safety deals with the prevention of occupational accidents that usually have low severities and high frequencies. The measurement of safety has been...
Project Finance and Motivations and Optimum Approach of Using it in LNG Industry of Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Zamani, Shiva (Supervisor)
Project Finance is a novel approach in financing big projects. High debt ratio, independency to promoter credit and establishing a special purpose company, are some of project finance characteristics that could be very beneficial in some projects. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) is a solution for exporting natural gas to far destination. As economical and environmental benefits of using natural gas have been increased in recent years, LNG industry has been experienced rapid growth. In this project we analyze project finance and then describe economical motivation of using this method in LNG industry of Iran.
Effects of Cable Arrangements on Seismic Performance of Cable-stayed Bridges
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Shervin (Supervisor)
Cable-stayed bridges are the most economical solution for spans ranging from about 200 to 1000 meters. They have become more popular in recent decades due to their efficiency and appearance. The need to understand their seismic beahvior is apparent and any improvement can be useful. The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using three lateral cable arrangement groups namely, cross system, pulley system and spatial lateral cable system with two transversally inclined cable planes on seismic performance of cable-stayed bridges. In this research, the seismic consequences of these arrangements with interactions of key parameters like, the main span length and deck to pylon...
Model-Based Reasoning Based on Giere’s Explanation of Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Heidari, Moghadam (Supervisor)
In the present research, model-based reasoning is introduced and explained based on Giere’s explanation of model. In other word, this research could be regarded as a reconstruction of model in Giere’s books and papers due to prpose a clear explanation of model-based reasoning. In the second chapter, after the introduction, the concept of model in Giere’s distinguished book, “Explainnig Science: A Cognitive Approach” (1988) is introduced and analyzed. In the second chapter, however, the concept of model in Giere’s recent works is traced. “An agent-based account of model” and “focusing on functionality rather than ontology” could be explained as the two important differences between his...
Universal image steganalysis using singular values of DCT coefficients
, Article 2013 10th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology ; 2013 ; Gaemmaghami, S ; Sharif University of Technology
IEEE Computer Society
We propose a blind image steganalysis method based on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients that are revisited in this work. We compute geometric mean, mean of log values, and statistical moments (mean, variance and skewness) of the SVDs of the DCT sub-blocks that are averaged over the whole image to construct a 480-element feature vector for steganalysis. These features are fed to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to discriminate between stego and cover images. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms most powerful steganalyzers when applied to some well-known steganography algorithms
Numerical Modelling of Buried Pipelines at Different Angles in Soil Slopes under Dynamic Loading Based on Physical Shaking Table Tests
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jafarzadeh, Fardin (Supervisor)
The purpose of presented thesis, is modeling of the buried pipelines in soil slopes under dynamic loading using experiments on the physical model. Hence, numerical models based on five physical models, which are built and experimented on Sharif University of Technology’s shaking table device, have been analyzed using ABAQUS finite element software. In each model, several pipes are buried in slope, and the angle-wise placement of pipes differs with respect to slope slide. For the purposes of modeling, the experiment box has been modeled as rigid body. In order to model the soil behavior, Strain –dependent nonlinear elasticity, and mohr-coulomb criterion, has been employed. In addition,...
Intelligent clustering in wireless sensor networks
, Article 1st International Conference on Networks and Communications, NetCoM 2009, 27 December 2009 through 29 December 2009, Chennai ; 2009 , Pages 12-17 ; 9780769539249 (ISBN) ; Movaghar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Minimization of the number of cluster heads in a wireless sensor network is a very important problem to reduce channel contention and to improve the efficiency of the algorithm when executed at the level of cluster-heads. In this paper, we propose an efficient method based on genetic algorithms (GAs) to solve a sensor network optimization problem. Long communication distances between sensors and a sink in a sensor network can greatly drain the energy of sensors and reduce the lifetime of a network. By clustering a sensor network into a number of independent clusters using a GA, we can greatly minimize the total communication distance, thus prolonging the network lifetime. Simulation results...
The effect of rippled graphene sheet roughness on the adhesive characteristics of a collagen-graphene system
, Article International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives ; Volume 64 , 2016 , Pages 9-14 ; 01437496 (ISSN) ; Shamloo, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
A great amount of effort has been made in order to reach a more precise understanding of the adhesion phenomenon that happens as a vital component of several biological systems. Therefore, a firm understanding of the important factors that influence this phenomenon is of special importance in triggering the adhesive characteristics of different biological, bio-inspired and synthetic materials in fields such as tissue engineering. In this study the adhesive characteristics of a multi-material system consisting of the frequently used synthetic material, graphene, in the form of armchair-configuration sheets, and an important biological filament which is type 1 Collagen consisting of 3 alpha...
Modification of Crop Pattern Considering Climate Change and Efficient Use of Water Resources
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghim, Sanaz (Supervisor)
In recent decades, the earth is affected by climate change and the seasons has been warmer than the last. Furthermore, the efficiency of agricultural irrigation is low, and it leads to surface water drought and decrease in groundwater level. The Middle East is known for its warm desert climate. Lack of water resources is considered the most limiting factor for sustainable agriculture and water management of irrigation is a crucial issue for agriculture in Middle East. So it’s necessary to devote the cropping pattern considering above changes. The FAO56 Penman-Monteith equation is the standardized ETo equation. A comparison was made between 8 selected methods and FAO56-PM. Thus the method...
Kinetics of Incomplete Reduction of Hematite Low Grade Iron Ore to Magnetite Using Mixture of CO and CO2
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Halali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
In this research the process of incomplete reduction of hematite low iron ore to magnetite in a fluidized bed reactor was investigated. Temperature, composition of reduction air, particle size, and stay time were investigated as effective parameters. In this way, temperatures of 560, 580, 600, 620 and 640 degrees of centigrade, input air with flows of 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 l/s, particles size of 425-850 µm, 850 µm-1.4 mm, and 1.4-2 mm, stay times of 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 min were used in this research. The reduced specimens were analyzed by XRD and chemical analysis. The results illustrated that increase of temperature, decrease of input air flow, decrease of particles size, and increase of stay...
Using makeup water to recycle cooling tower evaporated water: A feasibility study using experimental data
, Article International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy ; Volume 17, Issue 3 , 2021 , Pages 227-238 ; 14728923 (ISSN) ; Heidari, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Inderscience Publishers
Wet cooling towers are one of the most water-intensive technologies, which are widely used in air conditioning applications, especially in dry regions. Considering the current water crisis around the world, it is essential to improve the design of these cooling towers to reduce their water consumption, while maintaining their cooling performance. Makeup water of cooling tower is usually a constant-temperature water which is cold enough to condensate the moisture content of the cooling tower exhaust air. Therefore, it has great potential to recycle water evaporation of cooling towers, which is not considered so far. This paper investigates a novel design for cooling towers utilising the...
Fabrication the Hydrogel Microfibers Using Bioprinter with Application in Cardiovascular Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saadatmand, Maryam (Supervisor)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) currently remains a considerable challenge for clinical treatments. CVDs account for N17.5 million deaths per year and will predictably increase to 23.6 million by 2030. The main purpose is to create human model systems to study the effect of disease mutations or drug treatment on the heart. In addition, engineered cardiac tissues are considered promising candidates to be transplanted to improve the function of diseased hearts. For engineered active tissues/organs, 3D bioprinting can fabricate complex tissue architecture with a spatiotemporal distribution of bioactive substances (cells, growth factors, and others) to better guide tissue regeneration. However,...
The Motility of Lipid Vesicles Due to Phase Transition in Transmemerance Proteine
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jalali, Mir Abbas (Supervisor)
Phospholipid vesicles are able to carry drugs or DNA to infected or cancerous cells. The blood flow can carry them to their target positions but their performance will be enhanced if they complete their attack by swimming in final stages of their journey. Vesicles built only by lipid molecules have rotational symmetry and undergo a random motion in their solvents without having a preferred direction. In this project, we break the symmetrical shape of phospholipid vesicles by a cluster of transmembrane proteins. We use a triangulated model of the membrane, apply the method of multi-particle collision dynamics to the motion of solvent particles, and simulate the motility of vesicles for...