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An Experimental Study of the Hysteretic Shear Behavior of a Semi-Rigid Connection
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
The behaviour of a semi-rigid connection with appreciable shear deformation capacity was studied experimentally. The tests carried out on the specimens of this connection composed of ‘monotonic’ and ‘cyclic’ tests. The monotonic tests results showed the high shear deformation capacity of this connection as well as its high energy dissipation capacity. The cyclic tests, however, indicated the ability of this connection to endure large number of ‘well-rounded’ hysteresis cycles, which led to the dissipation of great amount of energy before failure
Synthesis of Pure Titanium Nanoparticles by Electromagnetic Levitation Melting Gas Condensation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Halali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
High purity titanium nanoparticles were synthesized by utilizing Electromagnetic Levitation Melting Gas Condensation (ELM-GC) method. High purity titanium samples were melted by electromagnetic levitation to a temperature of 1700 ± 20 °C in a silica tube. High purity argon and helium were employed as carrier gases and cooling agent. Particlesize, morphology, and Purity of the produced nanoparticles were studied by Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and ICP-AES analysis. The FE-SEM, DLS and XRF studies confirmed narrow size distribution of almost spherical shape pure titanium nanoparticles...
Modelling of Frictional Cracks by the Extended Finite Element Method Considering the Effect of Singularity
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Mohammadi, Soheil (Co-Advisor)
When a crack is subjected to a compression field, it will close and its edges will get into contact with each other. Depending on the direction and magnitude of the loads and also the coefficient of friction, ‘stick’ or ‘slip’ situationsbetween the edges will occur. This type of crack is known as ‘frictional crack.’ In this project, first these cracks are studied analytically and the order of singularity is derived using asymptotic analysis and also the analytical fields are determined for both ‘isotropic’ and ‘orthotropic’ materials. Then, numerical simulations are carried out using extended finite element method which is considered as the most powerful means for analyzing the problems...
Design and Manufacturing of a Multi Functional Device For Experimental Fatigue Test and Special Facilities for Symmetric and Anti Symmetric Loading on Gears
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Durali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
The goal of this research is design and manufacturing of a device for fatigue test and 3D crack propagation in spur gear roots. Clearly it should be able to test gear in oscillated bending load and control the amplitude and period of loading. Designed setup in this project using a electro hydraulic actuator can do it up to 50 KN and 10 Hz in amplitude and frequency and a PLC controls it during the test time. System can load gears symmetric or anti symmetric and simulate the effect of shaft misalignments, bearing damage and gear production tolerances on the gear loading. System completely designed, built and tested during this project and using experimental data, its performance was...
Optimization of Heat Recovery and Water Capture System from Boiler Flue Gas
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saboohi, Yadollah (Supervisor)
Thermal energy and water in flue gases varies with the type of fuel and thermal conversion system. Flue gas temperature is maintained in the range of 140 (℃) to 200 (℃) and it is subject to the sulfur content of the fuel. Vapor content of the flue gas is in the range of 10%_20% of volumetric flow. Considerable part of vapor may be recovered which can be used as cooling water make up. There are various means and methods for water capture and heat recovery which includes shell-tube heat exchanger among others. Selection of appropriate material and heat exchanger is conditioned by corrosion, temperature of flue gas and it’s economic feasibility. Identification of an optimal design of...
Wake interference of two identical oscillating cylinders in tandem: An experimental study
, Article Ocean Engineering ; Volume 166 , 2018 , Pages 311-323 ; 00298018 (ISSN) ; Khorasanchi, M ; Day, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
This study aims to assess the impact of the spacing between cylinders on their dynamic behaviour. Observations during this experiment have helped to identify the effect of spacing on excitation mechanism of each cylinder as well as establishing the relationship between cylinders response and the spacing between them. Arrays of cylindrical Structures in close proximity are common in variety of engineering structures, particularly in the offshore industry. If the cylinders are flexible, and are subject to excitation from fluid flow, then the dynamics is influenced by complex interactions between the cylinders, dependent on a variety of parameters. Two cylinders were flexibly mounted in tandem...
Experimental Investigation of the Hole Cleaning Process in Horizontal and Inclined Wells Using a Custom-Made Water-Based Drilling Fluid
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghi khani, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Tahmasebi, Korosh (Co-Supervisor) ; Kalhor, Mogtaba (Co-Supervisor)
Currently, drilling such as vertical or straight-hole drilling, i.e. usually less than 30 degrees inclined, or deflection drilling is used to drill at conventional and even unconventional reservoirs around the world to increase recovery factor and productivity. A major challenge is cleaning the hole or removing debris which if not done properly can lead to problems such as stuck pipes. In addition, Improper use of drilling fluid in terms of rheological properties in different stages of drilling operations can cause the well to collapse due to the accumulation of particles in the annular space. The transfer speed of particles is very important in cleaning the well. Inefficient cleaning of...
On the development of a nonlinear time-domain numerical method for describing vortex-induced vibration and wake interference of two cylinders using experimental results
, Article Nonlinear Dynamics ; 2021 ; 0924090X (ISSN) ; Day, S ; Karimirad, M ; Khorasanchi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Science and Business Media B.V
A nonlinear mathematical model is developed in the time domain to simulate the behaviour of two identical flexibly mounted cylinders in tandem while undergoing vortex-induced vibration (VIV). Subsequently, the model is validated and modified against experimental results. Placing an array of bluff bodies in proximity frequently happens in different engineering fields. Chimney stacks, power transmission lines and oil production risers are few engineering structures that may be impacted by VIV. The coinciding of the vibration frequency with the structure natural frequency could have destructive consequences. The main objective of this study is to provide a symplectic and reliable model capable...
Studying the Behaviour and Performance of an Innovative Floating Offshore Platform
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
The objective of this project is to study the behaviour and performance of an innotative floating offshore platform. Such Platform not only can be used for exploring oil from offshore fields, but for creating artificial islands, where land is in short supply. Due to its specific and, at the same time, simple geometry (symmetric), its fabrication does ont involve much complexity. Studies carried out on this platform include the investigation into its structural behaviour under gravitational (including self weight) and bouyancy forces. Studied cases include a number of platforms with different (geometrical) sizes and under 3 various bouyancy conditions (percentage), namely 1) 50% of the height...
The Study of The Behaviour of Steel Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections Subject to Fire
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Fire is one the events which threatens the very existence of every building, residential, office, industrial or else. However, this threat is more serious with regard to buildings with steel structures. Steel, despite its many advantages over other structural materials, such as having high strength to weight ratio, ductility, toughness and resilience, has the disadvantage of rapidly losing its strength at elevated temperatures, i.e. in fire. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the designer to make the serious decision of whether to use steel, concrete, timber, or other materials for the structure of the building to be designed. Observations made during full-scale fire tests as well as...
Study of the P-^ Effects on the Behavior of Split-Level Steel Structures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khansari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Due to unusual response of structures of buildings with irregularity in their architecture to dynamic excitations, to have a comprehensive knowledge of their behavior during earthquakes is of utmost importance. Building irregularities are in general divided into two major categories, namely Irregularity in Plane and Irregularity in Elevation, and one of the forms of the latter is where there is a split in the levels of the building. In this work, through a series of case studies, the effects of P- phenomenon on the behavior of steel split-level building structures were studied. 5, 10 and 15 story buildings with 5 and 6 bays, and level splitting of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 cm were studied. All...
Three Dimensional Simulation of Morphology of Nanodroplets Near and on Structured Substrates
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
Mesoscopic hydrodynamic equations are solved employing a VOF based method to investigate the equilibrium shape of nanodroplets positioned over various topographic geometries of the supporting substrate for three-dimensional systems. By taking into account liquid-liquid and liquid-solid interactions a complex distribution for inter-molecular forces over the substrates (the disjoining pressure) is observed. In this research we show that motion of nanodroplets not only caused by contact angle difference in drplets two sides, but also depend on disjoining pressure parameters.Geometries with increasing complexities, from wedges to three dimensional edges and wedges, were explored with the main...
Investigating the Seismic Behaviour of Split-Level Building Structures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Observations made after previous earthquakes have shown the crucial role of irregularities in initiating damage in buildings with irregularity, either in Plan or in Elevation. Since in existing Building Codes, there is no provision for the distribution of the Equivalent Static Loads for such buildings, designers have no option but to resort to Dynamic Analysis. In this work, the seismic behaviour of a group of two-dimensional steel building structures with irregularity in elevation, namely Split-Level buildings, was studied. The studied structures consist of a series of 5- and 15-storey frames having two parts with splitting distance of 150 cm. Both, moment-resisting and braced frames were...
Numerical Study of Base Plates under Biaxial Bending
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Base plates as the connecting components of steel structures to their foundations, have a crucial role in the behavior of these structures. In order to limit the thickness of base plates hence their cost within reasonable values, various types of attachments (stiffeners) are normally added to them. In this project 6 different configurations, Models, for the base plate and its attachments were considered and studied through finite element analysis. Each Model was studied under the combination of biaxial moments and a range of compressive loads including 0, 0.05 P/Py, 0.10 P/Py and 0.15 P/Py, where Py is the plastic load of the column. The moment-rotation curves of all models under various...
Numerical Modeling of the Behavior of Base Plates with Various Degrees of Rigidity Under Cyclic Loads
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Co-Advisor)
Due to the important role of base plates, both in transferring forces from the structure to the foundation, and also in transferring vibrations from soil to the structure, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge on their behaviour and performance under monotonic and cyclic loading regimes. In fact, the behaviour of the supports of any structure cannot be identified without identifying the behaviour of its base plates. Numerous configurations with/without various types of attachments have been proposed and used for base plates. In this work, altogether six commonly-used types of base plates were studied and their behaviour under monotonic and cyclic loadings was obtained using commercial...
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Combustion Simulation using a Multi-Zone Chemical kinetics Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
In recent years, the idea of Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines has been in the center of attention as a new generation of internal combustion engines. Intense decrease in pollutant emission rate like NOx, low fuel consumption and high thermal efficiency are the main reasons of why these engines are in center of attention, however, some drawbacks, which the main one combustion control which happens in limited operation range between knock and misfiring has limited the use of these engines. Hence approaches like adding synthesis gas, using exhaust gas recirculation, controling effective comperession ratio by using variable valve timing, changing the input conditions...
Factorial Design of Experiments to Identify Effective Factors on Domestic Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
Reducing air pollutant emissions from vehicles is a difficult and time consuming procedure which needs utilizing of modern emission control equipment and setting strict regulations for car factories and drivers as well. How efficient these policies are and proposing operative solutions for air quality improvement depend on developing a sustainable model which is used in vehicle emission predictions and their share in total emissions. Emission factors are not constant values as they can be affected by various operational and ambient parameters. Development of Emission inventories calls for a huge number of measurements using different vehicles in diverse conditions. Thus, recognition of...
Development and Application of Mobile Source Emission Factor Matrix for Use in Wrf/Camx Air Dispersion Model of Tehran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
Tehran, with approximately 750 km2 of land area, a population of more than 8 million people with about 4 million active on-road vehicles, is dealing with serious air pollution problems. To model the environmental phenomenon precisely, this study aims to develop on-road air pollutant emission factor matrices based on existing traffic in Tehran routes and to run air quality modelling within Tehran geographic boundaries. We developed emission factor matrices using SMOKES-MOVES emission modeling system. To do so, we calculated on-road emission factors from actual traffic-related data and run MOVES emission model. And use use them for different pollutants considered in air quality models. Then,...
Studying the Behaviour of Split-Level Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
Past earthquakes show that irregular structures have been more vulnerable than their regular counterparts. One of the common types of irregular buildings in urban areas is split-level ones. On the other hand, beam-to-column connections in steel structures are mostly of "semi-rigid" type. In this work, effects of different levels of rigidity of connections, 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%, on the behavior of a number of two-dimensional split-level steel structures, with 1.5 m difference in levels of floors, 2, 3, 5 and 6 bays, and 5, 10 and 15 stories, were studied. All frames were analyzed “with” and “without” considering the P-∆ phenomenon, with two methods, ‘equivalent static load,’ and ‘modal...
Micro-modeling of Tehran 4-stroke Gasoline Motorcycle Fleet Emission and Investigating the Effects of Increasing Fueling System and Engine Technology Level
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Vahid (Supervisor)
The city of Tehran is dealing with air pollution problems for years. Providing a solution for this problem requires information about different pollutants emission sources. In this subjects, emission factors and emission models are essential tools for decision makers. Among different mobile emission sources in Tehran, motorcycles are of high importance. In this project, for the first time in Iran, exhaust gas pollutants emission of 66 motorcycles with different ages and engine displacement volumes were measured according to Euro-3 standard certification procedure. Measurement results showed that none of the tested motorcycles passed the Euro-3 certification limit on CO emission. Calculations...