Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-Composite Based on Supramolecuylar Poly Caprolactone/ Hydroxyapatite for Tissue Engineering Application
Mehmanchi, Mohammad | 2011
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 42342 (07)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Materials science and Engineering
- Advisor(s): Bagheri, Reza; Shokrollahi, Parvin; Ataei, Mohammad
- Abstract:
- Synthetic polymers have a high capacity to provide and manufacture the pieces used in tissue engineering. However, optimizing the biocompatibility, bioresorbableility and mechanical properties simultaneous with processability of material is complicated and requires a lot of effort at designing different parts of the system. On the other hand, due to existence of secondary bonds (such as metal-ligand coordination or hydrogen bond) supramolecular polymers are able to respond to some stimuli such as temperature, pH, or pressure, which is important in terms of dynamic nature of interaction between the living cells and the external matrix of cell. Recently there have been extensive studies on these materials to be used in tissue engineering. According to supramolecular chemistry, a new group of material, supramulecular nanocomposites have been presented. In this project it has been shown that it is possible to match the behaviour of matrix phase and nanoparticles by using quadruple Hydrogen bond in nanocomposites which will dramatically improve the composite properties. The research started off with the synthesis of the ureido-pyrimidinone(UPy) functional group which bond through four hydrogen bonds. Afterwards by means of these groups, supramolecular polycaprolactone (PCL(UPy)2) and nanohydroxyapatite (nHApUPy) have been synthesized. Subsequently supramolecular composites made of this technique, where compared with composites with unmodified nanohydroxyapatite (nHAp) as the reinforcing phase. Composite specimens consisting supramolecular nanhydroxyapatite (nHApUPy) demonstrated better dispersaion of the nano particles in the matrix in AFM micrographs. Moreover in mechanical test the tensile strength was three times higher than nHAp containing composites which shows improvement in mechanical properties. In addition the destruction behaviour of these composites in PBS environement in 70 days was studied which proved the decomposition increase in supramolecular polyacprolactone and its composites in comparison with pure polycaprolactone. Fibroblast cells cultured on the composite also proved the lack of cytotoxicity of the composites
- Keywords:
- Nanocomposite ; Hydroxyapatite ; Polycaprolactone Composite ; Self Assembled Materials ; Supramolecular Polymer
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