Explore Reasons for Rejection of Agricultural Technologies in Underdeveloped Areas with Water Scarcity Problem
Choobchian, Pooria | 2017
- Type of Document: M.Sc. Thesis
- Language: Farsi
- Document No: 49992 (44)
- University: Sharif University of Technology
- Department: Management and Economics
- Advisor(s): Kiamehr, Mehdi; Maleki, Ali
- Abstract:
- Respect to increasing water scarcity in the world, it is necessary to ameliorate agriculture methods in order to efficiency enhancement. However, it seems that in underdeveloped counties faced with the water problem, barriers exist which prevent farmers from adopting new technologies. For researching this problem, drop pressure technology studied in Salmas County locate in West Azerbaijan state in Iran. The purpose of this research is to explore factors of lack of diffusion of new agricultural technologies in underdeveloped areas with water scarcity problem. The research problem is that notwithstanding government facilities, the diffusion rate of drop pressure technology in this area is very low even in comparison with adjacent areas. The main research question is that from farmers’ perspective, what factors prevent them from adopting drop pressure technology. In order to answer the research question, the abductive research strategy was used. Data selection method was purposeful non-probability interview sample in the natural social setting.After data collection, interviews got labels and summarized. Thematic Analysis was used in order to analyze the data. After reviewing interviews, initial codes were generated and codes were combined into overarching themes. The next step was naming themes. For the synthesis of the results, the method of logic models was used and results were linked to each other in a processual analysis.Results show that ignorance, governmental mentality, perceived lack of economic efficiency, incompatible governmental policy making and implementation, distrust to government, perceived technological inefficiency, unsuccessful experience of colleagues, desperate to pioneering, lack of social responsibility, inconsistency of governmental institutions, feeling of ethnic insecurity and tendency to natural pristine was the factors influencing farmers not to adopt drop pressure technology. This research proposes that with verifying these factors, a better policy should make in order to increase technology diffusion rate
- Keywords:
- Innovation ; Technology Transfer ; Agriculture ; Irrigation ; Technology Management ; Technology Adoption
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