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A Field Research on the Relationship Between Strategic Decision-Making Speed and Innovation Performance in the Case of Iran Drug Industry
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kermanshah, Ali (Supervisor) ; Sharbatoghli, Ahmad (Supervisor)
Purpose – This study aims to: identify organizational and environmental factors affecting strategic decision-making speed; examine the relationship between those factors and innovation performance; and clarify the relationship between strategic decision-making speed and innovation performance. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was conducted on more than 50 large-scale firms operating in the drug industry in Iran, in summer 2009. Findings – The research findings related to the linkage between participation and strategic decision-making speed indicate that extensive participation accelerates the pace of decision making. Research limitations/implications – This survey was conducted on CEOs...
A Framework For Developing Corporate Innovation Strategy; PATSA Group Case Study
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kermanshah, Ali (Supervisor) ; Isaaei, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
There has been a lively debate between two major strategist groups in innovation strategy literature. The first, with Ansoff being the protagonist, pose a rational approach in describing a corporate innovation strategy formulation process while the other group, with Mintzburg as the protagonist, prescribe an incremental approach.It seems that in continuous change and uncertainty, rational approach can weakly predict the reality and one can claim that in such situations incremental approach is more effective than rational approach. Based on the review of literature and consequent classification, most of the strategies that are named as innovation strategies in literature use rational...
Feasibility Study of Manufacturing of Disposable Plant Containers
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Mostafavi, Mostafa
Although laws vary in the competitive business world of today and the changing supply and demand parameters show that the process of delivering new products to market is very important.Most organizations today have found that spending more than ever on trusting in traditional competitive levers such as quality, cost reduction and differentiation in selling more products and services are not enough to be successful in market, instead notions such as speed, flexibility andagility can have a significant trend toward offering new products and services. There aresome good reasons for knew that organizations need new ways to develop their new products to survival, compete with its competitors and...
Statistical Interpolation of Non-Gaussian AR Stochastic Processes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
white noise or an innovation process through an all-pole filter. Applications of these processes include speech processing, RADAR signals and stock market data modeling. There exists an extensive research material on the AR processes with Gaussian innovation, however studies about the non-Gaussian case have been much more limited, while in many applications the asymptotic behavior of the signal is non-Gaussian. Non-Gaussian processes have an advantage over Gaussian ones in being capable of modeling sparsity. Assuming an appropriate non-Gaussian innovation one can suggest a more realistic description of sparse signals and predict their behavior or estimate their unknown values successfully....
Applying Gamification in Corporate Entrepreneurship Culture, Specially Missionary Organizations; Through SafirFilm Case Study
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Yavari, Elham (Supervisor) ; Banki, Sara ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
Although existing literature on organizational culture and its change process contains meaningful and rich theories but our studies show that there is no perfect and detailed framework on linking organizational culture change and corporate entrepreneurship culture. In addition to that, Gamification –defined as taking the game design elements into non-game contexts– is a fruitful and academically rich research area. Fortunately an idea proposed recently to explain a method for enhancements in organizational culture in general, and in corporate entrepreneurship culture in particularby Yavari and Jafarian based on using game mechanisms. In their paper "A Gamification-Based Method for Corporate...
Adaptive Estimation of Satellite Attitude via an Entropy Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pourtakdoust , Hossein (Supervisor) ; Kiani, Maryam (Supervisor)
Nonlinear state estimation algorithms developed based on Bayesian framework have been increasingly utilized in space navigation and attitude estimation to enhance the mission performance. However, successful implementation of these algorithms requires accurate knowledge of process and measurement noise statistical properties. As the satellites experience various systematic and environmental uncertainties on orbit, no priori information of noise characteristics is usually available. In this regard, adaptive estimation algorithms have been widely utilized to tune the planned noise properties according to the variable working conditions. Among various adaptation methods, innovation-based...
Explore Reasons for Rejection of Agricultural Technologies in Underdeveloped Areas with Water Scarcity Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
Respect to increasing water scarcity in the world, it is necessary to ameliorate agriculture methods in order to efficiency enhancement. However, it seems that in underdeveloped counties faced with the water problem, barriers exist which prevent farmers from adopting new technologies. For researching this problem, drop pressure technology studied in Salmas County locate in West Azerbaijan state in Iran. The purpose of this research is to explore factors of lack of diffusion of new agricultural technologies in underdeveloped areas with water scarcity problem. The research problem is that notwithstanding government facilities, the diffusion rate of drop pressure technology in this area is very...
Identifying the Distinctive Characteristics of Accelerators in Developing Countries: Iran Case Study
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor)
As accelerators develop, literature about their distinctive characteristics and functions grow. Primary studies about business accelerators focused on defining the model and finding the distinctive characteristics of business accelerators. Later studies started to ask different kind of questions about outcome, functions and especially different models of accelerators. . Accelerators in developing countries are new phenomenon. Considering the fact that economic and entrepreneurial ecosystem are different in developing countries, accelerators in these countries have some distinctive characteristics which are not studied deeply in small accelerators literature.Employing Pauwels’ design elements...
Introducing a Framework for Measuring Open Innovation in Iran Defense Industry
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Souzanchi Kashani, Ebrahim (Supervisor)
New century came with changes in a series of global macro trends, especially a greater dispersion of knowledge, which undermines the effectiveness of innovation based on internal R&D. Many of successful organizations responded to this problem by opening their borders to exchange ideas and make cooperation with external actors in their innovation activities, which is known as "open innovation". Innovation in the defense industry, which always deals with challenges to keep its readiness alive, is traditionally based on internal R&D. These industries, as well as civilian industries, face the new macro trends including budget cut and knowledge dispersion, which reduces the effectiveness of their...
Young Attitudes Toward Luxury Fashion Brands from a Social Identity Perspective:(A case study: Buying Luxury Cars in Tehran City by the Young)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Najmi, Manoochehr (Supervisor)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of young people towards luxury brands from the point of view of social identity (Case study: Luxury cars shopping in Tehran by young people).In this regard, while reviewing the concepts of attitude and luxury brands dimensions, using the method of regression and structural equation modeling, we investigated the attitude of young people towards luxury brands.The statistical population of this research includes customers of Del's Brandy Benz and BTBMW District 1 in Tehran. Their number is estimated to be 500, and the sample size is determined using Morgan Crujsi's table to determine the sample size of 217 people. Using the Simple random...
The Effect of Bureaucracy on the Integration of Technical Knowledge and Market Knowledge in the Process of Product Development
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Maleki, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
In this research, the effect of organizational Bureaucracy on the integration of technical knowledge and market knowledge in the process of developing new products, along with other factors mentioned in previous literature, has been studied. To this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared which measured both the degree of integrity and the effect of bureaucracy on integrity. This questionnaire was completed by marketing and research and development managers of 39 innovative companies in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). Regression analysis was used for data analysis. The results of this research show that bureaucracy as an organizational factor, along with other...
Investigating the Impact of Key Innovation Variables on the Level of Technological Catch up: A Comparison between High and Middle Income Countries
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
Today, innovation plays an essential role in the economic growth of countries. By evaluating technological capabilities, different approaches have considered important effects of innovation on the economic ability and superiority of countries either directly or indirectly. In recent years, the Global Innovation Index (GII) has been employed as a common framework in this respect. It consists of five components, including “institutions,” “human capital and research,” “infrastructure,” “market sophistication,” and “business sophistication,” as the inputs, and two components, including the “knowledge and technology outputs” and “creative outputs” as the outputs of innovation. The present study...
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Knowledge Components in The Sectoral Innovation System: Study Leading and Late Comer Countries in Renewable Energy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor)
Climate change and its Environmental issues become fundamental challenges in recent years, and countries have to try find various solutions about it, such as developing renewable energy technologies. Multiple studies have been conducted on the importance of innovation in technology development and technological changes in different countries. Many studies have addressed the concept of the innovation system and evaluated the role of various institutions and actors. The innovation system as one of the concepts branched from the innovation system focuses on the importance of interactions between actors, the role, and nature of knowledge in a particular industry or sector. Hence, investigating...
Value Creation in Content-oriented E-business
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Iman (Supervisor) ; Ghafoori, Mohammad Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
Considering the high growth potential of creative industry as well as the increasing trend of e-business, content-oriented digital business has been the main focus of this research. These enterprises are a subset of the creative industry that are primarily developed in the digital context. After reviewing the literature, it was observed that the keyword "value creation" in this type of business has been less considered by research.On the other hand, in conversations with managers who are active in the industry, a practical vacuum was revealed on how to create value in these firms; Because a comprehensive review of value creation processes in these firms can ultimately lead to more profitable...
Technological Capabilities and Knowledge Network Evolution in the Path of Innovation: a Case Study of Knowledge-based Firms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Maleki, Ali (Supervisor) ; Miremadi, Iman (Co-Supervisor)
This Thesis aim to study the evolution of knowledge network in the path of innovation capability accumulation in knowledge-based firms, active in Iran's innovation system as a sanctioned economy. The research, by an in-depth case study and at the micro level, examines the accumulation of capabilities and the evolution of the knowledge networks for two knowledge-based firms active in the manufacture of linear accelerators and cargo-scanners as high-tech products. The results show that 1) the accumulation of capabilities from low levels to advance is based on product diversity and the knowledge inputs, which was first through "using, doing and interacting" has changed to "science, technology...
A Comprehensive Review of Studies Conducted in Entrepreneurship Education in Order to Achieve a Codified Framework
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Feyzbakhsh, Alireza (Supervisor)
In the current situation and considering the economic conditions, entrepreneurship and self-employment are important factors of business growth. To prepare people in this field, there is a need for effective training that can motivate people. Identifying the effective methods and different dimensions of the entrepreneurship education framework that can lead to setting up a successful program for training people and facilitate the way to achieve the goal of education is one of the important goals of this research. By studying the literature from 2010 onwards, this research systematically examined 96 articles and tried to improve the framework of entrepreneurship education that was stated in...
The Process of Institutionalization of Innovation in Creative Industries: The Case Study of Musical Styles in Contemporary Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shadnam, Masoud (Supervisor)
Art is one of the most dynamic and turbulent areas of human life; Where the artist sees his work as creation and every moment puts a new curtain in front of man. But these artistic creations do not all meet the same fate. Some make noise; But they pass very soon and do not leave a trace of themselves in anyone's mind and heart. Some others capture many lives and remain in the historical memory of people. What is the secret of this difference? To answer this question, the current research focuses on the field of music. We want to answer the question of how some innovations in the field of music fit in the mind of the audience and some of them disappear in a short period of time and are...